FALAFEL!!!!! ((hitra here))

Jun 07, 2005 23:44

HEY GUESS WHAT IM EATING??!! FALAFEL FELAFEL!!!!! YAYYYYYY FOR FALAFEL!!! well uhh....yea i like falafel ^__^ especiallyspicy falafel......i like it when i make it but i didnt have thime so i gaught some premade falafel wrap thingie but its still good ^__^ naka thinks that i've finally lost it 'cause she's watching me just happily eat my falafel and im kinda doing this little happy frolic dance and singing "do do do fa-la-fel! do di do do fa-la-FEL!!!"" over and over again ^__^ i love my falafel....cometo think of it i love my middle eastern food!!!!! ^__^ well the veggie stuff 'cause y'know......soy vegetariano....i am a veggie....that what that means for all u non spanishish speaking dork wads ^__^ i love yah any way....well im gonna go dance some more bai bai. some sage advice: EAT FALAFEL!!!!!!! ^__^ its yummy!! and dun you fools EVAR forget: AHM TOO SEKSI FOR MAH PANTS, TOO SEKSI FOR MAH PANTS!!!!

------------------------hitra ukai, god o' sekziness------------------------------------
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