Title: Facing reality Pairing: JongKey Word count: 1971 Genre: angst, slice of life Raiting: PG Summary: 'Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.'
Dear, you always brigthen up my days with your comments! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'll read your fics as soon as I'm back in Poland, I don't have my laptop with me and I'm barely online, sorry for that ;_______;
Thank you! I always enjoy writing stories that have to include some certain quote, it's fun to make it fit to the idea (: I hope you won't have to wait too long, but... now I'm in London and I don't have my laptop with me. So I can't promise to update soon. But thank you for your comment!! ^^
It's the real story actually Thank you so much for your comment, bb! Sorry for not being around but I'm in London and don't have my laptop with me, once I'm back home I'll read all of your updates that I missed!!!
And I'm so happy you liked this quote, it means so much to me!!
I love the way it's written, I could picture everything perfectly. I really wanna write something more, but I'm kind of speechless right now. I wish you could read my mind, baby... or that we lived closer and could actually talk. (But then again, talking in person is often much harder than through phone/computer, right?) Still. This was somehow beautiful. And I pray for an happy-ending.
Either way, I'm rooting for you with all my heart. ♥ /lol why i must be forever so overly dramatic? D:
Aww this was sad but real (?) and I'm crossing my fingers for a happy ending! ...They better have a happy ending... hihi. I liked Kibum's character here - all hopeful and in love <3. T'was very nice ^^
You know... the happy ending is truly probable, because now they live the happy continuation, so... keep your fingers crossed still!! ^^ Thank you, bb!! Kibum here is me
Comments 16
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I'll read your fics as soon as I'm back in Poland, I don't have my laptop with me and I'm barely online, sorry for that ;_______;
"Gravity is the only thing that keeps you grounded and rational. Once you split off the ground and lose your emotions and thoughts, you're lost."
And I'm so happy you liked this quote, it means so much to me!!
I love the way it's written, I could picture everything perfectly. I really wanna write something more, but I'm kind of speechless right now. I wish you could read my mind, baby... or that we lived closer and could actually talk. (But then again, talking in person is often much harder than through phone/computer, right?) Still. This was somehow beautiful. And I pray for an happy-ending.
Either way, I'm rooting for you with all my heart. ♥
/lol why i must be forever so overly dramatic? D:
Kibum here is me
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