Jun 12, 2010 09:14
I feel more drunk now than I did when I actually was drinking (I had ONE glass of Bicardi Dragon Fruit/Strawberry Sunny D,,,two hours ago)
My. God.
This week has been..hell in a handbasket.
For starters, on my Thursday overnight, someone took my Itouch out of the office without my permission. See, we have a pair of computer speakers that we just hook our mp3 players to and listen to music, and someone took my ipod out of the office and plugged it into the speakers without asking me. See, ask me I and I wouldn't care, because then I would keep track of it, but...nope. Now my Itouch is GONE. Missing!!!! I am 99 percent sure of who took it, but whether or not he confesses (even though I have camera evidence) is a different story. Either way, I WANT MY IPOD!!!
Last night...Keirra ended up leaving early due to her leg. She was whimpering and wanting to go to the hospital because of some condition with her leg. Can't really complain about that, I saw the poor swollen leg. Sent her home. Corey just...never came back from break. So while breaks where being let out, I had THREE people on the floor for a FRIDAY overnight while Ken East was hosting their prom. ...I have three people on a SUNDAY when it's DEAD ASS SLOW!!!! (for comparisons sake, friday is the busiest night in the week. Sunday, slowest. I usually have around six people on a Friday) I had 15 minutes today when I had four people on the floor, and then Frank went home (he was working a nine hour shift, can't really ask him to stay longer unless I wanted to give him another break)
We did two back to back hours of 9 percent labor (...aka, we were getting our asses handed to us) and...I just sat there, whimpering going "I need a bloody vacation" I think, that if Gwen works tonight, I am going to go up to her and beg for a three/four day vacation. I just need a couple days off of work. I can't keep doing this until August, when my normal vacation starts. I am trying to teach my crew how to do their jobs and work while waiting for food, but most of them just have their thumbs up their asses and sit there and go duuuuurrrr. Fuck, I took Frank's phone away from him today because he was texting. His excuse? "I was doing it while waiting for food!!" Okay..WORK WHILE WAITING FOR FOOD! Brew a bucket of tea, clean in that corner, take down the fry station, I don't care, but in that 30 seconds you are waiting for food...DO SOMETHING!!!
Anyways, Kristen was approached by Brittany (Joe's girlfriend) the other day. Brittany asked Kristen if Joe had slept with me. I sighed when Kristen told me this and said that I would message Brittany and tell her the story. Well I did, and well...now I feel like total shit. I know it's not entirely my fault, but I am partly to blame, because I let it happen. Well, at least she knows now. What she wants to do with that information is up to her.
Anyways. I need bed. Bed is good. Bed solves things right now.