When did dogs become a fashion accessory?

Mar 20, 2006 20:21

Seriously, this is one of the stupidest trends in the known universe. You take a rat with PR so great that they get it upgraded to a dog, THEN you get some bleached blonde wannabe harlet to carry the lil sombitch around like a purse.

I can self delude myself into not seeing certain trend, but this one really takes the cake. Girls.......just because you have a dog and you want to make the lil bugger wish it was dead by dressing it in all these cutsey little clothes, doesn't make you any cooler. In fact, in my eyes, it makes me wonder A) when the stroke occurred and B) how many brain cells you had BEFORE it.

I'm so sick of all these Reese Witherspoon (it was a f*cking movie, not a fashion statement...if you recall she was damn near retarded in said movie), Paris Hilton (coughstupidspoiledwhorecough) wannabes. You're not hip, you're not trendy, you're not cool, and you're not risque. What you are, is a sad commentary on what is innately wrong with our society.

I swear if I go to one more mall that allows these abominations to walk around with said dog in their hands, I might have an aneurysm AFTER I blow their f*cking head off.

Let me set the record straight......there is only ONE type of dog that we allow in any establishment, and it isn't your precious new Prada hound....it's a seeing eye dog, or other handicapped canine....so unless you want someone to poke you're f*cking eye out, leave the little mutt in the pink froo froo dress at home where it can quietly curse its existence in peace!!!!
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