Just thought you might enjoy pics of my buddy Duke a border collie cowdog cross on this beautiful Sunday Morning! He also knows how to come to you- "that'al do" and lie down, shake and "load up"- jump in the truck or on the porch swing.
And this a new pup behind the cut...What is a good name for this little fellow? I like short names because it is easier to train. Thanks! He is sorta cute ; P Also a tip: Use a toothbrush to comb fur on your suit to get the cut hairs out.
Name me!
Thank you all for your time and patientce...I stay too busy and do good to just keep up with email but glance through here every blue moon. I am so connected with all these social networking sites I forget who is who. I was in the hay field from 5am to 9pm yesterday. So glad we got a break in the weather, and have around 300 rolls on the ground.
Y'all take care!