"Say Amen" Recap, Part 2

Jun 29, 2013 20:08

Good evening!

When we last saw the boys, they had come across Addie's dead body. Eloise's parents were witnesses and claimed Davie killed him and ran off.

A police officer hands Fraser a funeral notice from Arkansas that was found on Addie's body. Hmm, suspicious.

Fraser and Dief follow Eloise upstairs to have a little chat. And this is where we get more of the "Fraser and Eloise are alike" bit.

Eloise:  Davie was always so gentle, so nice to me. He just couldn't kill anybody. He couldn't.

Fraser:  But your parents saw it happen.

Eloise:  I know but, how could I be so wrong about him? About everything?

Fraser:  It's difficult to know people, especially if you lack experience.

And God, Fraser's face (which probably should be a tag)

Eloise: It's all my fault

No, honey, no. Eloise kills me here.

And I can't help it, when she says the men that watch her kinda scare her, I think of Fraser saying the same thing about Victoria. I know the parallels between the two episodes have been done to death but there's a reason for that.

Back at the station, Ray and Fraser discuss how to find Davie but apparently none of his family knows where he is. So they go back to the church to wait for Davie to return because he's deeply in love and he'll come back, like Eloise said.

Thatcher's still singing away. The choir seems to only know one song. Or maybe they just sing it during the miracle part actually because then Eloise heals another wheelchair person.

Fraser: She does seem to be powerfully drawn to the music, as though it touches something deep within her.

Is she a secret Cylon as well?

I'd just like to add here that David Fox does a good job at creeping the shit out of me.

After Eloise does her miracle work, she goes to the administrative office. She always seemed to me like she was drugged a bit here, but I guess that makes sense as she's probably in shock after everything that's happened. The echoing effect of the reverends voice as she enters the office is a nice touch

And here, where Ray and Fraser talk to her, is my favorite part of the episode.

Eloise:  When I was five I touched a blind woman and she regained her sight. That's true. They've always told me that. I've made deaf people hear. I've stopped cancers from growing. I've done that but I don't know why it happens, or when it's going to happen and it sure doesn't happen once a day and twice on Sundays.

And after bringing up Babe Ruth:

Eloise: He only hit 59 home runs in a 162 game season. That's not even one home run every 2 games. You think I can do better than that? You think miracles are easier than home runs?

I like that even though they're basically saying that the church is using her, it's also not denying that she has a gift. They could have easily gone down the "everyone lied to you about it, you're a phony" route, but they leave it up to the viewer to decide whether she can heal people.

The reverend sends Eloise up to her room and while she's up there she hears a knocking on her window. It's Davie! Of course.

The babies.

Fraser tracks Davie's footprints to find that he's been at the church recently. Unfortunately it's too late because one of the bodyguards comes up to Eloise's room and chases Davie out into the street where he gets hit by a car.

*At the hospital*

Davie's in surgery while Eloise, Ray, and Fraser wait. Eloise still believes he's innocent but Fraser seems skeptical.

Eloise: He didn't stab Addie. They were fighting for the knife, he dropped it and he ran.

Fraser: And you know this because?

Eloise: He told me.

Fraser: I see.

Eloise: No you don't. You think he lied but he didn't.  He would never lie to me.

At the precinct they do more research and etc. (I'm gonna try to make this short because I'm sick of summarizing the episode) they find out that during the fire that happened in Arkansas, Eloise's real parents died and the Barrows took her in--only they had started the fire because they wanted to use her for her gift. Fraser confronts Mrs. Barrow about it and at first she denies it but eventually gives in.

Meanwhile at the hospital, the doctor says it's okay for Eloise to see Davie (Ray tells him she's his adopted sister and makes a lame joke about Dief to which Eloise does not laugh).

Back at the church, Mrs. Barrows agrees to go with Fraser but one of the bodyguard pulls a gun on him. Fraser gets away and leads him and the other ex-criminals into the church (the nave? I'm not sure if that's the right word) At Thatcher's hint, he goes up to take the microphone from the reverend and tell everyone about his crime, while Ray arrests the men with guns (how did he get to the church so fast?). Bob Fraser appears to cheer him on.

There's a weird part where Thatcher hits the reverend on the head with a bible and everyone gathers around to sing to him about how he's going to Hell.

Everything is okay now, except for the part about Eloise not having any parents now and nowhere to go and no experience in the real world.

Back at the hospital, Davie has made a "miraculous recovery." At least there's that.

And for the end of the episode, we get a cute little exchange between Ray and Fraser that makes my shipping heart beat.

Ray: So is she for real with this, errr, miracle thing?

Fraser: She believes she is. The events of her past? Hard to say.

Ray: What about him? Did she save him?

Fraser: Possibly.  He might have recovered anyway, but she did give him a reason to live, and that's important.

Ray: Young love! Cute. It won't last.

Fraser: It might.

Ray: Never.

Fraser: It's possible

Ray: No.

Fraser: Occasionally.

Ray: Not on my planet.

Fraser: Dief believes it will.

I believe Fraser has regained a little hope from what happened here because Davie really was telling the truth, and even though Eloise is naive, her faith in him wasn't shattered. Not everyone is like Victoria. Besides, Dief believes their love will last.

So if Davie and Eloise can make their love last (and I hope it does because they're really cute together and they seem like the kind of couple that will be together when they're 80 and talk about how they met when they were kids), Ray and Fraser can too.

I thought I had more to say about this, but I'm not used to talking at length about an episode. I've been on Tumblr too long. Also I really didn't mean for this to turn into "how Fraser and Ray have a lot of subtext" but it kinda happened. You all know that I ship them anyway, so I think it's okay.

Fic based on the episode:

Public Displays of Affection

episode recap: due south, tv: due south, fic recs: due south, ship: fraser/kowalski

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