First entry--Say Amen recap, Part 1

Jun 28, 2013 20:48

Hello there future self scanning old entries and friends who have been kind enough to add me. I've decided my first entry will be an episode recap. Why not, eh? So I'll start with an episode of due South that for some reason I've seen over 5 billion times.

I started this with the intention of recapping it in one post but it got far too long so I'm splitting it into two parts.

"Say Amen"

The episode begins with Ray, Fraser, Turnbull, and Thatcher exiting a movie theatre. Turnbull and Ray seemed to like it while Thatcher thought it sucked donkey balls. Fraser apparently couldn't hear it because it was too loud, though my head!canon is that he was distracted by Ray's proximity in the dark theater (blame it on a lovely fic I read once which I'll link to at the end).

Walking ahead of the group is a young couple clearly quite smitten with one another.

Look how cute they are.

Fraser notices that two suspicious men are following them and he follows his instincts by going after them. Good thing he did because suddenly a car pulls up and a man grabs the Rose Tyler look-alike and pushes her in. They boy tries to save her, even grabbing onto the bumper as the car speeds off and nearly getting run over in the process, but they get away. Looks like another case for our two devoted detectives!

*Title sequence*

The boy, Davie (who also starred in "Dead Guy Running" as Stanley Smith) is being questioned by Ray about the girl. We find out that the two had been dating for a week and are deeply in love, obviously. Frannie, Welsh, Fraser, and Thatcher discuss whether 'love at first sight' is possible. Fraser thinks it is because Davie was willing to lay down his life for Eloise and the screen then pans to Ray (subtext much?)

Anyways, with Frannie's computer skills and Fraser's keen eye, they discover that the car belonged to the Unfettered Evangelical Church of the Holy Bible.

Fraser, Ray, and Thatcher go to the church to investigate and for some reason take Davie with them. Which is fine with me, I adore him. I just think it's a little weird that they bring a witness along on an investigation.

A quite lively sermon is going on and Thatcher has a sudden spiritual awakening when she hears the music. The reverend is quite pleased.

What just happened.

Thatcher has quite the pipes on her. Too bad the song is annoying as all hell. The other three look on in confused surprise before continuing through to the hallway. Ray mentions that churches make him nervous. It's okay, Ray. You're not the only one.

head!canon: Ray is actually a sleeper agent, which goes along with his church statement as the number 2s are really into God and whatnot. Reminding Ray of that part of him is uncomfortable since he doesn't consciously know that part of himself.

They find the office and a woman welcomes them, assuming they're volunteers. Apparently a shit ton of people donate money to their church and they need all the free help they can get to collect the money. But Ray doesn't volunteer for nobody, no how. They tell her why they're there and Davie gushes about Eloise some more.

Davie: I love this girl.

Ray: Oh whatever.

Ray, you don't need to be bitter just because you haven't confessed your deep and undying love for your partner.

Suddenly the man who was driving the car shows up! David spots him and Ray gets all in his face, ready to arrest him. Mrs. Barrow is shocked--plot twist: he didn't kidnap her, he was just there to pick Eloise up for service! She opens the church doors dramatically, and Eloise is up there performing a miracle for some old guy in a wheelchair.

Well, they still need to go back to the precinct and settle all the paperwork or whatever they do. Frannie talks to Eloise while Dewey tries to question Davie, but the two lovebirds keep making eyes at each other.

Dewey gives up but Frannie has a nice girl chat with Eloise. She says she has to stay pure which is why she isn't allowed to see Davie. Frannie sympathizes. A lot. She could never be a nun.

The paperwork is all filed but the reverend is pissy about the whole incident. Meanwhile, Huey and Dewey discuss starting a religion because damn this church makes a lot of dough. The reverend gets pissy again and Ray gets pissy right back at him. Eloise and her parents are about to leave with Addie (Eloise's bodyguard who threw her in the car) but before they can Eloise has to tell Davie that they can't see each other anymore. Davie tries to follow and Addie hits him, which makes Diefenbaker get pissy and Addie threatens him. Well that's the last straw for Ray, who tries to start a fight with Addie.

What I don't get is why Addie didn't get in trouble for assaulting Davie in the police station.

As they leave, Frannie bemoans the fact that Eloise is kept in the church all the time and not allowed to socialize.

"What kind of life is that for a kid? I mean really, what kind of parents would do that?"


Obviously this is an allusion to Fraser's rather lonely childhood. God, it makes my heart hurt.

And while Fraser can relate to Eloise's situation, Ray relates to Davie, who also has a bit of a temper and a penchant for hitting inanimate objects in anger. He tells him he knows how he feels but he can't keep going after Eloise because she's 17 and her parents still have final say. Telling Davie about Stella doesn't help because he asks if Ray got over her and he hesitates.

I do think it's important (at least as possible evidence of RayK/Fraser) that Davie & Eloise are so much like Ray & Fraser in some respects, but I'll talk more about that later.

Frannie and Fraser do some more investigating on the computer but Ray steals Fraser to follow Davie before he does something stupid. "Preventative policing." They go back to the church and Davie is already there, sneaking down the hallway. Addie apprehends him and Davie draws a knife. The kerfuffle isn't shown but when Fraser and Ray arrive, Addie is dead on the floor with a knife in his back and Davie is gone.

What happened? Did Davie really kill Addie? Is he Eloise's one true love? Find out in Part 2.

Part 2

episode recap: due south, tv: due south, ship: fraser/kowalski

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