May 26, 2009 04:24
this is officillly my first drunken post for over what seems like AN eternity.
i dont really know what to say...
certain stupid sad forlorn feelngs are catching up with me
and its all happenng
and my fingers arent fast enough to put em down into words.
but in essence:
i am drunk
and whatever i can encapsulate into words
feelings bastardized into words
would be overrun by soberness the next time i check this
so much more i want to say
so much more id like to post for poesterity
but my head is spinning i should be in bed and clutching my pillow the AC on full blast
neko case singing to me
i just wanted to share
how i am when ive had too much to drink at 4.43 am and no one
waiting up for me.