Christmas and the New Year

Jan 01, 2012 11:58

So...A Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!

Sorry for the extended radio silence, things have been hectic lately. Also, it doesn't help that I have been sucked into playing Skyrim, which is an addiction in and of itself.

Christmas was good, once I finally got to it. As per tradition we cut our own tree (I won't tolerate fake or lot trees), and even found a new farm that has more of the Norway Spruce we prefer. Got to hang out with my sibling and folks, decorate cookies, etc. Got some things that I asked for, a number of things that I didn't, and enjoyed the general camaraderie of gift-giving.

Of course, it was also a Christmas of spoilt surprises. Since July I have been planning to get a joint picture done of my siblings and I for my Mom. I bought these nice wooden frames with our names on them, set up the appointment with the photographer, etc. Then, Christmas Eve, my youngest sibling inadvertently reveals it to my Dad, and later that night while going to service, 2h before Christmas, in the middle of another conversation, I inadvertently revealed it to my Mother. All my plans gone to waste. Then, in accordance with the laws of Equilibrium, my Mother revealed to pico_the_great the surprise gift I was giving her. So, bleh.

On the other hand, it has been somewhat exhausting as well. As she couldn't go home due to work, jackspade64 spent Christmas and a few days after with us - which was a lot of fun. Then pico_the_great and I met up and reminisced by going to eat Sushi and Candy at the Mall, generally catching up, and gifting me with pretty things from China. Next some College friends of mine came to visit from Boston; We ate at a Persian restaurant, played Kinect and Settlers of Catan, and just generally caught-up and enjoyed each others company. The following day I took pico_the_great to Medieval Times as her Christmas present. We had a great time taking pictures, meandering about, trying new drinks*, and enjoying the spectacle of the show and our servers personality. (* Pico had an Executioner - Southern Comfort, Mango, and Hurricane Mix, while I had a First Knight - Strawberry Piña Colada with Bacardi Rum and Whipped Cream. They were delicious!)

Suffice it to say however that, as much as I love my friends and enjoy hosting/hanging out with them, I am sick and tired of people right now. Sorry guys! All I want to do is chill on my own for awhile and recuperate. I am going to read, and watch movies/TV Shows, play Skyrim, and maybe go spend my Christmas gift cards on stuff I want.

Speaking of reading, I need to remember to post the List of Books I Have Read This Past Year. This will be a future endeavor, not one I will undertake this morning. EDIT: Here

familial, posts-in-waiting, irl: friends, holidays

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