coffee can be dangerous

Jul 06, 2005 08:37

histones5: burritto's are generally pretty healthy
tigress21885: ok
tigress21885: lol
histones5: rice, beans,
histones5: meat
tigress21885: ewww
tigress21885: beans are gross
histones5: the only non-healthy things are like....guacamole and sourcream
tigress21885: i suppose
histones5: take that your off my friends list!
tigress21885: ok
tigress21885: i take it back
histones5: beans are the hella god greatest creation
tigress21885: i',m sorry
histones5: beans are unstoppable
tigress21885: ok
tigress21885: i'm sorry
histones5: green beans rule
tigress21885: ok
histones5: the HOUSE
histones5: THE PLANET
tigress21885: lol
tigress21885: holy vitamin K!
tigress21885: i c what you mean
tigress21885: i'm sorry i doubted them
histones5: green beans and i go way back......
histones5: friends from day one.
tigress21885: ummm
tigress21885: ok
histones5: they were always there for me....even when i didnt want them
histones5: there were other beans
histones5: came and went
histones5: but i knew... that underneath the sink...
histones5: they were always there.
histones5: waiting
histones5: for me.
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