Jul 01, 2005 11:37
Sweet! I just scored a nice pad to stay in for two weeks in late july in the city for free!
I am doing house sitting for a coworker who is going to scandanavia,
This is excellent because
1. I get a break on rent from uncle
2. likely will get paid
3. if not get paid I have privacy and a sweet house in the city
4. its in castro so i have great access to the rest of the city via bike
5. I can still ride my bike to work a substantial distance
Positive developments,
I rode my bike again this morning, A wicked 13 miles! wew! i love it, it makes me feel so good when i get here, I am with it and I already got my workout,
I checked my weight this morning in the gym, I lost 10 lbs since I have been here! i didnt even realize, I guess working out 5 days a week for 4 weeks pays off! (diet as well)
A friend here is taking my bike for the weekend and giving it a complete overhaul and toothbrushing for maximum tuning preformance, This is quite excellent.
A meeting next door has a lot of food so i hope it gets out soon so i dont have to buy lunch.
tonight there is a HoHo and I am going with Da 2005 Interns..
completely overshadows the negative aspects of things as of late,
but thats ok,
we all deal with psychos
Peace Y'all