(no subject)

Sep 18, 2010 17:02

Age: 18
Height: 4'9" (145cm) BOY IS TINY.
Weight: Light!
Bloodtype: AB
Medical info: Needs his naptime. 8')b
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Physical traits: Tiny and adorable! Looks like a grade schooler. Carries his toy bunny around three times a week. 8|b ALSO contrary to icons, is not wearing his Ouran uniform, since he graduated. He's just dressed like a trendy rich teenager.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything. Ouran breaks the fourth wall and Honey knows his tropes. GO FOR IT.
Abilities: Kickass at martial arts.
Notes for the Psychics: Cake cake cake Usa-chan cake Takashi cake ♥
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: 8(
Maim/Murder/Death: D8
Hugging/Kissing/Molesting: 83c
Cooking: That's what the cooking staff is for. 8|b
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