a good mess.

Dec 15, 2012 02:35

Its funny, I never thought I'd come back here again. Its the holidays, I've got big dreams for the near future, one or two things lingering in my head. So I decided what the heck.

Dont know if writing my mind wil do any good, sure as hell's not worth reading. In fact thinking about some of the things i've written about in the past makes me wanna puke.

But when i look into the future, I see a nice cosy backyard. A laptop to write down whats on my mind and maybe a drink. Some music with the big ass speakers, occassionally some good company and maybe a pipe(we'll see how). Oh boy, thats the life.

Merry Christmas and God bless

could say that man is alive as long as he waits, as long as hope is
alive in his heart. And from his expectations man recognizes himself:
our moral and spiritual “stature” can be measured by what we wait for,
by what we hope for.
Every one of us, therefore, especially in this Season which pre
us for Christmas, can ask himself: What am I waiting for? What, at this
moment of my life, does my heart long for? And this same question can
be posed at the level of the family, of the community, of the nation.
What are we waiting for together? What unites our aspirations, what
brings them together?' - Pope Benedict XVI
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