Jan 07, 2008 22:00
"Lord, I know not what I ought to ask of Thee;
Thou only knowest what I need:
Thou lovest me better than I know how to love myself.
O Father! Give to Thy child
That which he himself knows not how to ask.
I dare not ask either for crosses or consolations;
I simply present myself before Thee,
I open my heart to Thee.
Behold my needs which I know not myself;
See and do according to Thy tender mercies.
Smite or heal;
Depress me or raise me up;
I adore all Thy purposes without knowing them;
I am silent;
I offer myself in sacrifice;
I yield myself to Thee;
I would have no other desire than to accomplish Thy will.
Teach me to pray.
Pray Thyself in me."
-Francois de la Mothe Fenelon
god's will,