Feb 04, 2008 02:01
The pregnancy ticker reminds me that I've got about thirty days left until my daughter arrives. Thankfully everything is done but the packing needed for the hospital. That's something I've got to get done...I need to get the back down by the front door for the emergency "OMG IT'S TIME HONEY GET THE CAR!" sprint.
I've got the camera battery charged, the disk is clear. I've got all the little travel sized toiletries I might need and snacks for those of you involved in labor support...namely Jarred and Rene'. Clothes for Mom, Dad and Baby have been picked out and are ready to go in the bag. I've just got to go pick up a comfortable night gown and a robe(I might just use this long sweater I own and bypass spending money on a robe I'll most likely never wear again). Let's see...I've got the pillow I plan to bring with me set aside...nursing bra and pads, the other pads(yeeuck) I'll need...
I need to check the list again...I know I'm forgetting so much. At least this is the last thing I need to worry about before the big day. Rene' is taking care of the more worrisome aspects of the baby shower and I love love LOVE her for jumping right in and taking over. I get to spend the night before at her place, being pampered and the most I have to do is help with food preparation and the placement of the super awesome decorations.
I'm so stoked about the shower! If nothing else it's a fantabulous way to celebrate the pending arrival of a new life. Maidens, Mothers and Elders all together to celebrate the coming birth...with cake and presents, WOO! Haha!
I really can't thank everyone that's helped out enough. I've been blessed to have such awesome support. The blue days were few and far in between thanks to you guys and I've had little to worry about thanks to the support and advice you guys have offered without a second thought. You guys are awesome and rock my little corner of the cosmos.
Man, I can't believe that I'm so close to delivery. Only one more month, assuming she doesn't decide to come early or linger a little longer. Mom told me that I wanted to hang out in her belly for another week before I decided it was time to see the world. I honestly hope Elly isn't planning on hanging out for longer than the estimated due date. As much as I really love feeling her kick, punch and flip-flop around in there...I'm SO ready for her to be in my arms instead.
I always knew pregnancy wasn't easy...but holy shit, you have NO idea just how hard it can be sometimes until you're there. Most of my days are great and pretty much have been since the morning sickness let up but...
Being out of breath from climbing the stairs, diminished lung capacity thanks to the squishing from the baby, the hip and lower back pain, the heartburn, the constant heaviness of my belly, the rushing to the washroom to empty my bladder, thinking I'm about to burst, to only trickle a little...I'm ready for it to be done with.
Not that I wouldn't do this again...I SO would. The eight and ninth month are apparently where every woman says, "Alright, I've had enough!"
Example...as I type this I've got a foot stuck up against my ribcage as she stretches. This little girl is strong...sometimes it feels like she's going to crack a rib when she does this and sometimes I have to arch my back to give her more room. She's out of space in there and I hope she's as ready to get here as I am to have her here. I want to be able to hold her SO BAD it's driving me nuts!
The last visit to the Doctorman was awesome and my next will be early next week. I'm feeling a few twinges in unusual places and I'll be talking to him about them. It could be anything from indigestion or gas to unusually strong Braxton Hicks contractions...none of which are anything to worry about.
Jarred has been enjoying feeling her powerful movements. He gets to feel elbows, heels and rump and gets to feel when she's burning off some energy with her prenatal kung-fu. He's taken to wanting to fall asleep at night curled around me with his hand on my belly. He'll give me belly rubs and talk to his daughter and it's simply the most touching thing I've experienced. I can't wait for him to finally meet her face to face. I think my heart will swell to bursting when he holds her for the first time.
As for more mundane aspects of it all, I'm rather proud that my weight has stayed just as it should be. Aside from a tiny weight loss I had while sick with a killer cold, I've maintained a healthy weight. Only a small amount of it isn't related to the baby (ie: baby, amniotic fluid, placenta...). I'll have very little to work off after recovering from delivery which is totally awesome in my opinion. I'm not narcissistic enough to endanger my baby by freaking out about my weight while pregnant but I did try my best to eat healthy and get plenty of pregnancy appropriate exercise. She's gaining the weight she needs and is growing perfectly. God she's heavy in there, lol! I will admit to indulging in fast food occasionally and well...there were moments of chocolate and ice cream...but the fact that my figure is pretty damn close to what it was before I started to show, just with the addition of a beautifully round belly, tickles me to death. Hell, I tried on a pair of my low-rise "skinny" jeans a few weeks ago and the only place they wouldn't fit was around the bottom of my belly.
So, wootywoot for that indeed!
I'm going to wrap this one up and head on to bed. Oh, those of you that would like me to call them when the baby gets here, drop me a line and let me know. I believe I have everyone's number but you might send it with your note just in case. I'll most likely not be in the mood to make calls when I go into labor(note: sarcasm) so if you're not part of the family or labor support...I apologize but I'll call you when Elly's here, I promise.
For those of you that would like to drop by the hospital, let me know and I'll make sure you get the necessary infos.
We're in the last days, ladies and gents. The countdown starts now!
Love you all and have a great week!