May 04, 2012 23:24
What is it like to be free
free of society
I look at a group photo
at all my friend's faces...
what have they been through?
What is it like to dance
dance in an artsy masterpiece.
How does your body feel after?
What about to sing a song
that means everything to you...
everyone has a skill
i just do not know mine...
How does one become mellow
what happens to them in life to make them that way?6q
or were they born mellow?
What about to be daring?
How do you get where you are today?
Where could you have been?
Life seems long and dull
we always hope to do things in the future
but the future is here now
and life is still long and dull
When does it change?
when do we get to see our dreams
come true?
does that ever get here?
life was supposed to be meaingful