Grow the hair out, or cut it?

Feb 27, 2010 22:10

I live! ...sorta.
Got moved in earlier than expected, which freed up time for working on the fashion show, only to be hit with a super-nasty somethingorother remarkably like the Ursulplague I had just a month ago. So, no fashion show or mega-party for me. *sad-face* I'm still sore in the glands and head/neck area, still very low energy, but my appetite is reasonable, I'm staying hydrated, and I'm down from feverish to just warm. I'm very much looking forward to having normal energy again. Moose the cat has been very good company these past few days, especially since I miss Harvey so much.

I'm trying to evaluate my life, see what sort of hidden or unrecognized advantages I have and how to use them. I'm working to set solid goals of varying size and challenge. Some are very easily reached, all I have to do is do them, whereas others necessitate income and greater fiscal responsibility than I've demonstrated before. This is not impossible, but certainly harder. I'm slowly getting a few ideas as to different ways I'm open to seeing my life develop over the next few years, some very exciting and some simply agreeable (but still better than bad), and with those ideas come occasional ideas on how to (realistically) encourage certain ends.

The subject line, superficial as it is, is in fact an honest question, if only for myself. My hair is at that length wherein something must be done, and the trimming appropriate to growing out is not the same as the trimming to keep up the short style. I'm pretty sure there's an analogy to life there, but I think I'm more interested in taking a shower and immersing myself in some Beowulf.
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