seriously, livejournal--wtf???

Feb 03, 2010 12:33

Ok, so it's not my pop-up blocker failing; LJ really is subjecting us to full-page pop-up ads which take awhile to load, and can't be closed until they do load. PLEASE WRITE TO LJ FEEDBACK AND TELL THEM THAT THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! It's enough to have all the advertising on the sides of unpaid accounts; this pop-up video ad stuff is absurd, and not to be tolerated. I, personally, shall exit LJ the moment one of those comes up; they usually come up when I go to post, so if I post and comment less, that's why. Facebook is still free, and at this rate I can get almost equal use of it as of LJ, despite the text limitations. I don't like the thought of abandoning LJ, but to be forced to wait through the loading of an ad just to get past it and into LJ, and then still be bombarded with advertising is making it more trouble than it's worth. I certainly am not motivated to give my money to whoever thought that it would be a good idea to force me to wait through video loading AND wade through advertising on every page. One or the other, but not both, and if I do give money, I expect no advertising at all.
Really, I feel rather insulted and a bit harassed.

Meanwhile...I've got a nasty cold, but seem to be past the worst of it. I think Harvey will be laid to rest by Friday afternoon at latest. Not today, though; he's sleeping reasonably well, and I just can't deal with it right now.
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