yesterday, today

Jan 31, 2010 14:53

Going to Ursulmas was definitely a good decision for me, even though I was worried about Harvey the whole time, especially when Phil texted to tell me that Harvey was not moving and only breathing shallowly (as he'd done on Boxing Day). I wouldn't have been able to do anything had I been present, so I exercised faith that, like before, Harvey would come out of it and be a fairly normal afterward. Extremely difficult to do, but I did it and was rewarded by a fairly perky doggie when I came home. I can't describe how relieved I was.

On the way home we had dinner in Marysville, and wound up having a lovely visit with three elderly folks who were very interested in our SCA garb. One of the guys was actually a clown in his slightly younger years! It was that guy and a married couple, and they were all so sweet and funny.

I'm glad I went to Ursulmas. I watched rapier and heavy fighting, looked and chatted with A&S peoples, hugged and chatted with alot of people, got some kisses(!), didn't fight or teach or work at all, got some possible job leads, wore out my legs and feet (they still hurt), and generally reconnected with the SCA in a much more positive way. It felt significantly different than before, which shows that my relative hermitude did achieve the goal of enabling changes within and without. I'm looking forward to Sir Eddie's more than ever now.

Speaking of Sir Eddie's: It's April 23-25, the feast tickets are $12, and I can personally guarantee that the food will be FABULOUS. I've planned bird, beast, and vegetarian main dishes, with plenty of side dishes, and allergies/intolerances can (most likely) be easily accommodated. At the very least I'll be able to tell you precisely what's in everything, since I'll be cooking it all from scratch. Well, I might have a local bakery do the bread, we'll see.

Despite perking up after his semi-coma of yesterday, it still seems pretty obvious that Harvey's about done with this life. Sometime in the next week, Wednesday at latest I think, will be an evening where I'll be needing hugs and whisky--a wake for the polar bear, as it were. I've had a lot of time to mentally prepare for this eventuality, but that doesn't make it any less sad.
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