This doing bog-all business is becoming a little wearing. Not that I'm wishing for Interesting Times. Dear me, no. I suspect it would probably be much nicer were I doing sod-all in Cap Ferrat, rather than BS16. Still, there we are.
In a test of what remnant of hill-climbing ability I may or may not have, I finally went to have a view of the chimney on Trooper's Hill. A very striking thing it is too. Can still climb hills, which is nice.
Speaking of which, there's a two-pager in last week's Comic about Cyclosportives next year. I think I'm going to sign up for the Sunday Saturday[1] section of the
Tour of Wessex, if only because it appears not to clash with anything else. And perhaps some others, assuming my fitness doesn't go to complete arse like it did last year.
The lovely sorts at Dlab7, who do all my processing, appear to be doing mongo-sized
prints for vaguely cheap. Thus I have
this and
this in size=huge. All very fine, and I'm only somewhat surprised that Lomo-output can still look acceptable at half-wall size.
[1] A slightly less taxing profile.