I'm on the pavement/Thinking about the government

May 06, 2007 00:31

Just over the year ago I pottered about Bristol, cameraphone in and out of pocket as I recorded the start of the reconstruction of the chavmongous (great mate) Broadmead shopaholic daycare centre.

More or less by accident (I had something specific to do, but it was being a nice day so I wandered where the mood and the desire of a cappuchino took me) I followed a slightly similar path off the end of the cycle-path...

Somewhere in the pile of CD-ROMs that form the Shoddy Lomo Archive, there's a picture from a couple of year ago of a factory or industrial summint that dealt in lead and/or smelting. It's now halfway to being 'an exciting development of one and two berdoom apartments' which I'm sure will give the enterprising youth from the council estate across the way many opportunities for laptop and expensive telly redistribution. There's similar work going on further up that (cobbled) street, but Old Market seems to resist gentrification.

Broadmeads: first shopping centre in Low Earth Orbit.

There are a sequence of slightly grown-up alleys that parallel a section of the inner ring from the copshop to Baldwin street...

... Pelting along them between the roads they cross at right-angles had a distinctly Italian Job feel. Though on pushbike rather than proper Mini Cooper and without helpful advice from Michael Caine. I feel I should go back and explore more, since I seemed to spend an awful lot of time in Whitby wandering down the side of houses to see where I came out. I suspect if I had a downhill bike, a helmet-cam and less of a sense of my own mortality I wouldn't take much persuading to pile down that staircase. Dude.

I should probably return here to inspect their library, too.

It's this sort of vista that makes me glad to live in Bristol (mostly). Out of shot to the right is the Cube Microplex and a real ale boozer called The Hillgrove. Out of shot at the bottom of the road is the Here Shop.

... And round the back of the firmly ungentrified bit of Old Market, we find these.

posing down the pub, peloton, normal for gloucestershire

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