Many of you would be forgiven for thinking that a deal of the strange things I post about exist only in my own head, and while passably interesting have no relevance to your own lives of season tickets, sandwich shops, milestones and deliverables.
I now believe that may well not be the case. I have two theories to account for the following happenings.
So. Just over a year ago, I was
pottering about the cobbled interzone between The Dings and Old Market in Bristol, and found
this. Today I was back in that general area, looking at the hole where the Polis station was, and thought to have a revisit of that site with the last frame in the Action Swinger out of a sense of symmetry.
It's not there. I can't find it.
The nearest thing I can find is
this, and even then I don't think that's the right place at all.
It was... Odd. I'm used to being in charge of my own dreamscapes. Either this sort of thing happens a lot when you think to look for it, or else the act of looking at things deforms the universe and things are only the way they are because they're held like that in many people's heads. Insects in amber, if you will.
Elsewhere, the concept of shrink-wrap is modified slightly:
... And Primark has wooden boning: