Feb 07, 2007 10:16
There's probably something terribly chocolate-box-cover about cyclists covered with a dusting of hoar-frost. Not if you're the pillock in question, mind. Then it's just a bit bleedin' parky.
It's probably also a bit of a warning if you're standing under the gym shower waiting for your extremities to warm up.
(I need a cycling icon, but that rotter Sulston's already bagged all the Kraftwerk ones.)
Memo to self: dismount before that final pitch down to the Frome after Frenchay Common. There's a spring under the road which has been cheerfully seeping through the (rough, off-camber) tarmac lo these past several months and this morning on the way up it was a sheet of ice. Doing it downhill in the dark will mean headbutting a parked Volvo at the very least.
Still, all good fun.
happy cycling,