Today was a day...

Nov 19, 2012 22:32

I... overslept and refused to get out of bed safe in the knowledge that the student I was supposed to support wasn't showing up first thing, but still, in the end, dragged myself to the bus stop so I would be in work, just on the off chance that the office told me to go anyway (they didn't, they called me in to swap my thursday sessions over this week, so I have to go to Moulton College). The bus was late, and full of people, and the university is full of people with too many germs.
I sat through 2 human resources lectures without killing myself with my pen, avoided the person who I made a social faux pas at at the weekend while photocopying shit hastily between lectures and then ran to an occupational psychology lecture in which I once again did not stab myself with a pen out of boredom.
I spent more time in the office, which was fun as ever, and then went back to more psychology (for some reason they seem to like putting me in psychology lectures... I hate psychology) and learned all about family conflicts in relation to evolutionary psychology. Then I fucked off home, only to remember that I hadn't got anything out the freezer for dinner.
The ready meal spinach and ricotta canelloni was not impressive. But it was food, and it meant I didn't have to leave the house again.

This evening I have watched a couple more episodes of Arrow, which is, yeah. I dunno. I think I'm actually enjoying it. I might even poke at the fandom for it. Maybe. Fandom terrifies me these days.
I typed up some notes, I poked tumblr, I bemoaned the lack of boyfriend fit jeans which no longer seem to exist anywhere for less that about £35, which sucks, as I refuse to pay that much for jeans when they're probably going to fall apart.
I really need to repaint my nails (they're really dark green at the moment, but they're really badly chipped and it's now annoying me) but I can't be arsed tonight.

I have a spot on the bridge of my nose right where my glasses sit and it is really starting to hurt.

I should probably go to bed. I'm nursing Toll the Hounds for as long as I can. 70 pages left to go. I could finish it tonight if I really tried, but I think I'd maybe like to sleep. It's been long enough since I read Gardens of the Moon that I really feel like I ought to start all over again. But I think I'll finish the series first, and then read other shit for a while. And then do that. (Oh god my to read pile is ridiculous at the moment)

And now bed. Where it is warm.

Also, I woke up with Elvis Costello's Veronica stuck in my head this morning, and I have no idea why, as it isn't on my iPod, and I haven't had the radio on in ages.

life as we know it, food is not all i talk about, fandom and other creatures, university from the other side, books

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