(no subject)

Feb 12, 2006 01:56

so there is this boy...he is pretty much the cutest, sweetest, funnest boy I have ever dated. we have tons and tons in common, and i feel like we mesh together very very well. He is always a gentleman, and always compliments me, and holds the door open, and offers to pay for things, and doesn't "put the moves on me" or preasure me into anything, ever. He is someone that i could definetly see myself actually liking, and being serious with. Whenever he kisses me it's like crazy sparks and all that jazz...but we haven't had sex yet, so things aren't too complicated. Everything is crazy nice and almost perfect. there is a BIG almost. The almost is that he is moving to alberta in less then a month...THIS SUCKS! I never find good guys, and now that I found one that I am quite content with...he is leaving. It's hard because I don't want to get too attached before he leaves...but at the same time I want to get to know him better. He says that "it's not good bye...just see ya later." and that he believes we should keep in contact and if we are meant to be together our paths will cross once again. it's all so lovey dovey and romantic. and i like it! fuck. I find it strange that we have been talking for over a year and we happened to meet at the loop a few days after I came back to ontario...and that now he is moving to alberta...it's almost like we might have met either way...awww fate is sucha cheesy thing to say...but maybe there is a little bit of fate involved...i'm tryin not to stress too much...i have been fairly cool and laid back through this whole thing...and i want to keep it that way...cool as a cucumber...snif snif :(
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