Dec 04, 2006 23:08
new ferret mia is driving me crazy...i love her, she's adorable but she never stops...and i'm stuck in zelda...i got through a really tough part, got stuck again saved to take a breather, and then when i went back it started me at the tough part again...stupid games that don't save right at the spot you stopped. almost died on the way home from work today...a car was taking a turn down lola way to fast and started skidding just before i got to that same superior driving skills got my car not hit (me just a little shaky) but i did end up half way into the park...which answered my long time question of how it would be to go off roading in lola valley...i started cleaning steve's house for new years already, which means a lot of throwing away stuff for he is a pack rat...of course he needs
3 broken video players...i put out the garbage a day early because i have been a day a head all day and it looks like the land lord evicted guys live in redford you should know what i mean...i also found where all the mice have been sleeping ( 2 inches deep of poop ) was nasty, it also lead to the discovery that i am probably allergic to mice turds...labored breathing, coughing, wheezing from last night until early this morning...not fun...but the fun part is that there should be not that much to do when the time for new years rolls around...and i am trying to keep everything some what clean so the mice don't move back in...or if they do midnight has a clearer place to hunt them...well these are my garbled words have fun with them..