Dean 4th Master Post

Oct 05, 2012 16:39

Title: Dean4  (Dean to the Fourth Power)

hippivickyx , Hippivickyx
korosho, octopifer
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural/ AU

Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Jensen/Castiel. Implied: Vicky/Misha, Fem!Gabriel/Sam

Rating: R

Word Count: 13,480

Warnings: Fictitious representation of Split Personality Disorder. A scene can be viewed as slight dub/non-con. Light torture and gore. Sexual Situations Implied. m/m.

Summary: "Hello Dean. Thought you were someone else. My name is Castiel. I work with your brother," Castiel said, keeping his voice steady."Someone else, huh? Was it Jensen? ‘Cause you know we are the same person," Dean sounded annoyed. 
Please please please! Read the warnings! This might be a trigger fic for some of you!

Part One - Part Two

Art Master Post.

deancasbigbang2012, how to tag, destiel

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