It's officially fall now

Sep 12, 2006 17:39

Hello everyone, I would like to state that it is officially fall.
:D It really is fall though, you can tell from the weather. Well, here you can. Today it's cloudy and chilly but I kinda put on a jacket-type-thing and kept going. My legs still hurt from Sunday (which gives you an idea of how pathetic I am), so when I go up or down stairs, I have to go very slowly and I feel like a turtle. I also have to walk in the weirdest way: I don't bend my knees as much and use my hips more, which makes my heels hit the ground more. It looks strange but hopefully that will go away. (not much hope though, because today I have Performance Dance Group). Yesterday I looked for scholarships and signed myself up on this free website thingy which found me 70 scholarships. Mom would be proud. I'm going to print off the easiest ones today and put them in my room for this weekend (I keep telling myself to stop having fun during weekends... it doesn't work too well). Anyway, more on the weather thing: It sorta reminded me of something last year, only I don't remember what. Yes, I'm crazy. But I just have the feeling that I felt this weather before and it sorta reminded me very vaguely about all the stuff we used to do a year ago, and that put me in a sentimental-type mood, which I am now trying to get rid of so I can go on with life. However, while I still feel it, I will try to remember what exactly we did. Oh god, what did we do? Ummm, we... did stuff outside, I guess, if I remember the weather so well... I remeber going to church and looking at all the pretty trees... I remember fall break when Ziggi spent the night with me and Wendy downstairs in our dorm and used my weird travel toothbrush thingy... I remember Thanksgiving break, which I spent in Middlebrook... I remember walking around and it was cold and windy... where did we go back then? I think we walked around downtown... And by we I'm implying here people that did stuff with me (probably Mikaela, but other people too). So yeah. Last year really was a blast. I really should do well this year though, so that I can raise my GPA. Which, by the way, after me failing a class last semester, is still above 3.0. Barely, but it's there. So if I get like strait A's this semester, including the retake of my failed class, I might have like a 3.4. Hopefully. If I get strait A's next semester too, I might have over a 3.5, at which point scholarship $$$ will have the ability to pour into my hands. Hopefully. Then life will be grand. Oh, today Jen told me about stuff she did in ENGLAND (spazz attack!!!!!!) She went to Oxford for 6 weeks this summer to study Tudor Stuart England or something of the sort. I want to do it too. Probably after next year. By the way, next year I am going to have to take a foreign exchange trip to a Spanish-speaking country if I want to major in Spanish. And AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! this year I have to decided on a major. Well, I'm off, I really need to do my homework, go to performance dance class, and SLEEP!!! Goodbye!
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