Um, wow.
OK, so while I can't say I ship Doctor/Joan, I'd certainly go for John/Joan. He looks at her like he used to look at Rose. I hadn't noticed the contrast between a simple glance at Rose and a simple glance at Martha, hadn't noticed the amount of love he used to look at her with, but now I do. I really do.
It hurts a little, watching him
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See, I loved that part! Because while I was partly happy that Martha said hi to the TARDIS -- like you, I was all, yay, she's doing good stuff! -- I was also a little sad because I like the idea that being friends with the TARDIS was Rose's thing. Not that I don't want the TARDIS to have friends ... but you know what I mean. ;)
So when Martha showed in the very next line that she didn't have the same knowledge as Rose ... well, that made the die-hard shipper in me happy. :)
And yes, I totally loved Joan. I'm really torn on whether I want her to survive the next episode or not. I mean, I don't want her to die, because she's awesome ... yet I can't stand to think of her getting her heart broken, either. :( (Though at least Martha gave her a warning before things got too serious -- even if it did come off like a jealous threat from his psycho stalker of a maid. ;))
I have no idea what to make the trailer, though. Babies? Four kids? Oh, man, if he has that life and then gets it ripped away, that's going to kill him. (And his family; I can't stand the idea of him having to leave a family behind.) I'm hoping it will just be another dream sequence -- maybe him seeing alternative timelines and having to choose? It would break his heart, but I could totally see the Doctor deciding that Joan deserved better than a husband who was living a lie. Just like when he decided to send Rose home to keep her safe, even though doing so would break her heart, I can see him deciding it would be better for Joan to have her heart broken than wind up living in a lie. :(
Squee! I'm so happy to be happy with this show again!
Though Ro did point out that the woman in the trailer with the baby isn't Joan. Could still be a midwife and Joan's just had a baby, though...oh, God.
I'm really torn on whether I want her to survive the next episode or not - Yeah. Sometimes I think it'll be easier on both of them if she dies. It's closed, then, isn't it? It'd be so tempting for him to go back there otherwise, even if the Doctor isn't the one who fell in love with her and probably couldn't love her as much as "John" does. It'd save messy goodbyes and her getting her heart broken (though, to be honest, I think he loves her a teeny bit more than she loves him. Probably because she still rightly loves her husband and he, as a human, is a blank slate), and him having to choose between her and his normal life (which I don't think he could give up. And I suspect the choice of which would cause much celebration from the Martha shippers - yay! He chose Martha over Joan! etc etc. Which would make me want to throw things).
I'm hoping it will just be another dream sequence - The marriage and baby stuff was all a bit...hazy, wasn't it? Set in funny light. So perhaps you're right. I hope so. :(
being friends with the TARDIS was Rose's thing. - Haha, you know, that occured to me! When she said hello I was a little disappointed that she shared a similar "connection" with the TARDIS (though Rose's would obviously be stronger because, um, she absorbed it. LOL), but I tried to push it aside because I was so astonished that I was actually liking Martha for the first time ever. *grins*
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