The End of the Holidays..and the Start of a New Year with a new workweek...

Jan 05, 2014 23:44

Hello everyone,
Happy New Year :)!! First off I would like to wish you all a safe, prosperous, healthy, and wonderful 2014 :) I say, just as Madonna: "fu**ing own it, baby! Bring it on!" Well, the holidays are over now and for me this means the end of a long, relaxing 2-week break from work. The time off for me usually feels great, even if I don't travel but I always find the return to work (at least that last night of vacation before work the next day) to be the hardest to bear! I've gone through this so many times and one would think my feelings would be more indifferent, but no, the same mixed bag of anticipation, dread, anxiety, sadness all hit me whenever I have to kiss a great vacation goodbye-regardless of the length of the vacation. Whenever I get hit with these feelings, crying only makes them worse. The only solution for me is to sit down, take a deep breath, and set at least one goal for the coming year. I have two: the first is to help make sure the paper that my recently graduated colleague with whom I worked for the past 3 years submitted (right before she left the lab last month) gets published. The second is to see another paper through to the submission process by the end of this year which will feature work with another post-doc colleague whom I've also been aiding in experimental work for the past year now. I'm happy to report that he's been a great guy to work with and as a result of this we've covered a lot of experimental ground and got quite a bit of data generated. It's always great when there's a good working relationship in place because here you're not wasting time "figuring things out" or "backtracking" every single step of an experiment. Well, here's to a productive and happy new 2014. Let the good times roll along with the bad...bring it on! :)
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