Just some tips!

Dec 14, 2010 12:26

New to this community and I just thought I'd drop some tips! Some of them you may already use or they're no-brainers, but these are some things that work for me.

  • I once decoupaged the outside of a shoe box and put it in my drawer and put all my underwear in it, folded neatly. This made sure that it would be floating around while I dug for my socks, and get all ruined in the process of the digging.
  • You know those perfume samplers you get in fashion magazines? I open them and put them in my drawers in place of potpourri satchets.
  • A paste of baking powder, laundry detergent, and dishwashing soap and a little bleach if the fabric is white works wonders for stains. Just rub it on, scrub it in using a lot of elbow grease, and let sit for a little bit. Spray with stain remover, and wash. I use this for touch stains like blood and sweat stains.
  •  I put all my tights into ziploc bags to prevent them from getting tangled and pulled during the rummaging process
  • I made the mistake once of freezing a half an onion. When I pulled it out to use it again, it was too soggy to cut! If you really need to freeze your onion [if you're tight like me!] then dice them and put in a freezer bag and only use them for cooking.
  • Freeze half your loaf of bread!
  • If you drink more than one pot of coffee a day, just add some fresh grounds on the wet, used grounds from earlier. 2 scoops of old grounds is the equivalent to one scoop. So if you throw 1 scoop of 2 scoops of used grounds, you should put in 2 cups of water.


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