Hey all you hip and domestic people...
I got married last August, and with a wedding comes a plethora of kitchen appliances. Unfortunately, with a wedding and graduate school also comes an apartment with a very small kitchen with very little storage. We have two narrow cabinets and three normal-width cabinets above the counters, and one normal width cabinet below the countertops, plus the obligatory under-the-sink cabinet area (which is used for cleaning products and such). There are two rows of drawers plus a cutlery drawer. We bought an
Ordning Dish Drainer, so we can store our dishes on the counter, have all of our glasses, cups, and bowls in one cabinet, storage stuff (tupperware, casserole dishes, etc) in another, a cabinet full of pots, and food in the remaining cabinets. We bought a small storage thing for dry goods (like pasta, cereal, etc) that goes in the corner, but we still can't find places to put everything. Along with our appliances (which we have nowhere to store...the crockpot takes up the last remaining spot in the laundry closet), we end up with bags of produce and chips on the counter, potatoes and paper towels on top of the fridge, and our coffee maker behind a pile of stuff.
So, those of you with small (or big) kitchens who are hip and domestic...how do you store everything in a small kitchen? We don't have on-top-of-cabinet storage due to bad 1970s architecture. The clutter is driving me nuts! Bonus points if it's an inexpensive idea.
Just to note...we tend to keep a lot of boxes of stuff (rice, pasta, granola bars) around. It saves us a lot of money to buy this stuff on sale...any ideas of other places to put it where the pets can't get it?
Thanks for all of your ideas!