May 22, 2007 22:58
For those of you considering whether or not to fork out $8-10 to go see Spiderman 3, just say no. GOD. I never leave in the middle of movies--but let me tell you, this one had not only myself but my two girlfriends all considering just that!
It was like, I shit you not. The plot and dialogue had the stamp of an overly emotional 14-year-old girl's first fan fic. EVERYONE cried. The plot holes were actually black holes. Just ignore the very convenient and strategically placed ginormous flag that he just happens to land in front of.
The special effects were totally kick ass. But say after me: Spiderman is not Superman. Spiderman's spine is not invulnerable. Gah. Evil!Toby is both disturbing and freakin' hilarious, man. Not quite worth the admission, though.
Heroes: how I love thee! Well, except for the last 10-15 minutes, which made me feel suspiciously like the writer for Spiderman 3 had swapped a few lines. WTF?!?
I can't wait for Pirates. End.