Mar 05, 2011 20:56
*cries* I just finished the last volume of Animal Academy. I seriously don't want it to end like that. All of the characters are great, even Yusuke, who I have mixed feelings for. On the one hand he is an abusive and manipulative jerk who seriously needs to be locked up and put in a straight jacket, but on the other, he's hilarious and clearly wants his brother to end up with Neko (Fune). At the end there's this note from the writer that says "Animal Academy is finished! Probably!" Does this mean that there's hope for a second series? I certainly hope so, but I guess if there isn't I can just write fan fics, especially some character centric (Miiko, Zenda, Kotaro...) or some Sasuke & Neko reunion fics that take place a few years later. Such a sweet series. ^_^