
Aug 19, 2015 20:37

The new job is working so far though I've only been to work twice this week. The library that I'm supposed to be working at was closed this week, so they scheduled me to work at two different branches this week. I worked a grand total 11 hours at one branch this week and I'll be working my remaining 8 hours tomorrow at another branch.
So far my co-workers are nice, which is always a bonus.

Yesterday I had a lot of down time, but I also learned how that particular branch does some of the tasks that I had learned a different way from my time volunteering. I also did shelf reading, returns, and emptied the bookdrop.

Today I spent 2 1/2 hours reshelving items. The last half hour I worked on scanning returned items into the system to either be placed on the hold shelf, returned to the stacks, or transferred to other library branches. I know, I know...most people would consider that boring work, but I like it. :)

Anyway, I have an interview on Monday for a full-time Library Aide position at a different branch. I'm nervous because I really don't want this interview to affect (effect?) where I'm currently working in a way where they'll fire me since I've apparently been looking elsewhere for full time employment. Just to be clear, when I was applying for the job I have now, I applied for other library aide positions at different libraries in my county. I didn't apply for this job AFTER I had already gotten this job. It was only a few days ago that this other library called me to ask if I was interested in interviewing for this position. I made it clear that I had already gotten a job at another branch in the county library system, but that I was very interested in interviewing for this position.

If I can get this job it'll mean I'll get more hours (not to mention larget paychecks...which will help in SO MANY ways) and be eligible to receive county benefits, which would also help in a million ways. But if I don't get it, I know that there will be other opportunities for me so I'm not that worried.
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