Good news!

Jun 24, 2015 15:41

The interview on Monday went better than I thought it would, but I still psyched myself out later on and convinced myself they wouldn't hire me. However, I got a call today from them (sooner than I expected) and they're offering me the position I applied for. I'll be a Library Aide part time. I'm so excited, but I'm also nervous because not only will I be doing tasks that I've been doing for the last five years as a volunteer, I'll also have many new challenging tasks to learn and complete. After I got off the phone with the woman (after saying 'thank you' REPEATEDLY) I told my Aunt Jane and I burst into tears. I was just so convinced that I blew the interview because I showed just how quirky I am. I tend to feel that people take you more seriously in interviews when you're serious and give off a vibe of "I'm capable". I was like that sometimes, but there were times where I showed my strange sense of humor to them by answering their questions in kind of a jovial manner as opposed to answering the questions soberly and seriously. What can I say, when I get nervous I either shutdown or get kind of goofy. In this case, I was goofy. *face/palm*

I still don't know what they saw in me, but I'm glad that they liked what they saw. I'll certainly give it my all while working there.
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