Nov 07, 2016 03:27
I keep waking up before 12 and then think that since I can't always sleep into the afternoon, I'll go back to sleep. But I still had a productive day! Walked to walk walk again and the workers there were very young and nice hehe. I got a mozzarella and pork sandwich plus a Creme brûlée iced latte. They were both delicious! But after getting lattes in a couple different cafes, now, I wonder if I'm not supposed to mix it? It has layers and when I don't mix it, it tastes great but when I near the bottom, I stir it lol and then it's too bitter!
I talked a lot to this guy Kyle, online. He's cool; I told him a while back I think he's cute and he very kindly answered in a long message where he said he thinks I'm a great person but only feels platonic towards me. It was surprisingly not awkward and now we are talking more. He's the main person I talk to about writing, aside from Linh.
I applied to a few jobs using the Facebook and totally got a call for an interview and demo this upcoming Wednesday in Taipei. Whoo! And I edited my story, I haven't added much to it yet, but I fixed continuity errors and some futuristic jargon. Anyway, feeling good. I want to get sushi tomorrow! Or maybe macho tacos..