More Ahoy! character memes! Now for Queso.
1.) What is the character's full name? Any aliases?
Queso is the ship, more or less, or at the very least an extension of it, so technically his full name is the Quesador. For the sake of distinction, though, Quesador usually refers to the ship as a whole while Queso is just the figurehead. Also, the Grouch or the Grump (especially when Anatole's talking about him).
2.) Who is their best friend?
If you ask him, Queso doesn't have best friends. That said, he and Levi are the two primary non-human members of the crew, and both spend a lot of time on the ship due to their particular natures, so they're most often in each other's company and they get along well enough. He also gets along (relatively speaking) with Dillon, since they're pretty much the only people on the ship who care about keeping it clean and intact.
3.) Favorite color? Food?
Wood. And if you insist that that's not a colour, he'll smack you upside the head, y'insolent brat. Who d'ye think you are, dictating what does and doesn't count as a colour? Eh? (He also likes blue, and he doesn't eat.)
4.) What image / color do you associate with character?
Whenever I picture Queso, he's always hopping around the deck complaining, and his movement isn't very unlike the gargoyles in Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. And for colour, I'd say... wood.
5.) What's their sexuality?
Good question! Maybe if he found a nice mermaid figurehead from his island that he could settle down with...
6.) Are they currently in any relationships? Have any crushes? Who do you think would be a good pairing for them?
Queso is a curmudgeony gargoyle figurehead. Should he ever be involved in a relationship, it's bound to be hilarious, awkward, and probably very short.
7.) Worst romantic experience?
We've got nothing.
8.) List any odd skills/skills in general that they have.
Since Queso and the ship are both made out of a special kind of... well, sentient wood is the best way to put it, he literally is the ship, and vice versa. He usually hangs out on the bow of the ship when he's feeling particularly cranky or antisocial, and he can detach and hop around the deck whenever he wants, although he can't leave the ship itself.
He can't steer or otherwise control the ship, but he can tell whenever any part of it is "injured". He also knows an awful lot about weather, the sea, and certain islands (or at least their shorelines), having been on the sea for most of his long life.
9.) Any quirks or bad habits?
He complains about everything, especially adventures that wind up splintering his planking. He doesn't always pick the best time to do this, either.
10.) Last amusing escapade?
While he was parked waiting for the crew outside of Rutabaga, some of the teenage vandals who like to graffiti the temple tagged the side of the ship with a few logos and amusing cartoons. Dillon's still trying to get it off.
11.) Biggest fear? Any insecurities?
The last thing Queso wants is to wind up abandoned at a backwater dock somewhere, rotting away the remaining years of his life. He's actually grateful to the twins and the rest of the crew for getting him out on the sea again, although he'll never, ever admit it.
12.) Biggest fantasy?
Basically to have a full maintenance overhaul: get all his planks shined up, and the barnacles scraped off his hull, and that seaweed out of his rudder, and some proper rigging for his booms, and new glass for all those chipped windows, and someone needs to replace the bolts on the portholes while they're at it, they're all coming loose and one of these days they're going to pop out and his hull's going to be flooded and then where will they all be? And another thing...
13.) Any secrets?
Much as he likes all the adventures he's gotten to go on since becoming a ship (a secret unto itself), Queso desperately wants to go back to his home island sometime. Thing is, he's got too much pride to ask the crew to go there, and he doesn't know what he'd do once he got there anyway.
14.) Do you like this character?
Definitely. Queso is surprisingly fun to write, and relatively easy as well, since he's so simple and straightforward in both his character and mannerisms. Plus he's the crew's running commentary. Remember
Statler and Waldorf? That's Queso, more or less, only with less jokes and more grumbling.
15.) What would this character rescue if their house were burning down?
He is his own house, and if he was on fire he'd be hollering for someone to PUT THE DAMN THING OUT.
16.) What blood type do you think this character is?
17.) What would you want to say to this character?
Why do you complain so much?!
18.) What do you want to do with this character?
What I want to do most with Queso is finally get him drawn. I've got an almost exact image of him in my head, something of a mix between
these two, only with no hind legs, and I really want to try putting it to paper.