Jun 11, 2005 19:48
I neglected this thing for a week, and now I don't quite know where to begin. In essence, this week was fabulous. I walked gladly on the middle path between hard work and going out. I am slowly settling into my work life at Petsmart. I ussually work morning shifts now, and Petsmart is s-l-o-w in the mornings. They think I am a good employee because I always ask for "tasks", but I think my mind would evaporate if I were to stand at the till for hours and glare into animal loving space. On Wednesday, after work, I met up with Anna. It's wierd the way we come to hang out with each other. I called her up and told her that I feel that we should meet up and talk. She felt the exact same thing: a need for it. And so I met her at the terminal and we sat outside of Chapters and had a good rapport. Then we bought some books, and bubbles and went to Kariya park. There are a handfull of good nature places in Mississauga, and Kariya park is one of them. Though its not as natural with its fountains and koi, its definately a relaxing getaway. We sat on the grass by one of the ponds and blew bubbles as we made camping plans. They were incredible. Perfect spheres of expanded soap that bobbed delicately on the wind. The colouring was even more fantastic. I love the way the liquid rainbows swirrel to gravity's game.
Luckily, I had Thursday off this week, as Thursday have become Anglika-and-Maggie days. As usual the time enhanced our friendship, and we were grateful for it. We spent most of the day outside, sitting under THE bridge, and walking to and sitting by the lakeshore. Then plans took a turn, as I was supposed to go meet with Sebastian to help his group with a project, and I went to Andrews house instead. Angelika enticed me ever so gently with mention of a pool. Ha. I was glad I went. We all sat outside and rivaled our intelligence as the getting-to-know these people process took place. The conversation was that of history and books, philosophical perspectives and economics vs. the social justice. It brought about good questions, but in the end I enjoyed the soothing water, and soothing guitar, and of coarse the bubbles which were delightful in the beauty of both. Angelika and I were then kindly driven to Spotkanie. So Ks. Maciej is leaving, and we are getting a replacement. His name: Mietek ? Though I am sad Ks. Maciej is leaving, I think that this man will be just fine. He is charismatic and I could surely sense strength in him. There was no real topic this week, except that of familiarizing ourselves. I think it turned out okay, despite the smart-ass attempts of the groups self-proclaimed King of Wit.
Yesterday was probably the most hectic yet rewarding day this week. My day had a bad start to it, no thanks to my irrated and equally irrating mother who awoke me with sweet ranting. I didnt play the Alec, and decided to silently meditate on why she was reacting in such a way. Though it was hard, I supressed and released my anger. Only then, could I see her perspective. I realized that I put stress on her through my lack of communication and that even though I find her ways radical at times, there is a lot I can learn from them as well.
I went to work tired, and remained tired for the whole shift. Since I made plans with Sebastian to go to the movies, I had to speed walk to Hwy.10 right after my shift, and catch the 19a bus. I was late, but he was later, and we were both worn by the heat. Madagascar had some great moments and I enjoyed the humour, but I found the plot a bit twisted. Yes, its animated. And yes, its G rated. But I still dont think that animals should be trainted to live in captivity. I see enough of the ridicule at work. To think of all the zoo's and habitats that train animals to abandom thier instincts made me a bit depressed.
Sebastian came to my house for dinner and we walked around my area. I'm glad to say that Rancis the Willow accepted him quite nicely, and the whole evening was a treat. We also blew bubbles and marvelled at thier sheer awesomeness. The night was warm, and we talked so openly that I am moved. Sebastian and I are now officially *drum rolls* .... dating.
I am grateful to have such great people in my life. The Motivating, the Good, and Wise, and the Laugh all reigns in my dears.
So there's my week in a bubble!