HIMYM FIC: How the West Was Awesome

Jul 02, 2011 23:05

Title: How the West Was Awesome
Author: shutterbug_12
Characters: Ensemble
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Only borrowing. Make love, not lawsuits.
Summary: A routine day in the Old West is derailed when a stranger challenges Barney to a high-noon showdown.
Author's Note: Old West crack!AU that has been two years in the making--true story, earlwyn and I first chatted/flailed about it in June of 2009. (And now that it has finally surfaced, I regret nothing!) Thanks to my betas, slybrunette and earlwyn. For tosca1390! Happy Birthday, lady! ILU! ♥

( 'He cornered me at the news stand with one of my posters and challenged me to a duel. A duel! Like a showdown. A high noon showdown. Seriously, who does this guy think he is, Dirty Harry? You have to stop him, Marshall. You have to arrest him. I’m too young to die. My suit is too young to die.' )

character: ensemble

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