Fic: The Best Armor (10/10)

Jun 27, 2011 13:37

Title: The Best Armor (click here for organized links to all the chapters)
Pairing/Character: mostly Robin (but B/R)
Word Count: 53,000 total (chapter x, about 3000)
Rating: Adult-ish? (alcohol/cigarette use, sexual situations, depression, language)
Summary: "Robin has always been one of those people who are strong because they pretend to be strong. It is an art she has perfected since childhood, something so ingrained in who she is that she barely notices it anymore - the image she puts forth and the one she hides." Spoilers "Big Days" through "Glitter." COMPLETE.
Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own himym.
A/N:  I feel terrible for making anyone who was reading all wait this long for the last installment of this! (I spent a month in Costa Rica refreshing my Spanish and didn't have much time to work on it.) But anyway, here's the last chapter of The Best Armor. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's been a long journey! As always, if you read, please review.

( Fake cut to chapter 10)

pairing: barney/robin, character: robin

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