(no subject)

Dec 29, 2008 22:56

She smiled to herself remembering the flash backs as she finished reading the memories the three had shared, and closed her journal that kept her memories safe and together, and placed it under her mattress. She wrote in her journal as if she was writing a book. She started it the day she was sitting under the shade tree back in high school right before she met Ville. She hoped to get her story published one day, changing the names of course. It would be the story of the three crazy kids, and only July, Bam, and Ville would know it was truly about them. The only problem was that the story had no ending, because the proper ending hadn’t happened and was no where in sight.

July turned her bed room light off, and moseyed along to the kitchen of her high rise L.A. apartment. She poured herself a cup of coffee and watched out of her glass windows as traffic began to pile up. She smiled to herself, knowing it was her day off and she wouldn’t be down there fighting with everybody else. She walked over to her counter top and grabbed a pen and a note tablet, then sat at the kitchen table. She pulled one knee up to her chest as she continued to stare out of the window, tapping her pen tip against the paper as she thought of ideas for her next column. She frowned and put the pen down.

“Another last minute project” she sighed and pushed the paper to the center of the table. Her best work has always been written at the last minute.

She sipped on her coffee as she put some bread in the toaster. Being not much of a breakfast person, she only made something light. She moved thought her apartment to her nicely decorated living room. She had her favorite Van Gough painting, A Starry Night and her favorite Salvador Dali painting, Persistence of Time hung up on the wall, as well as a photo of the L.A. skyline hanging above her fire place. She had some smaller pictures and knick knacks on the mantle as well as her diploma from University of California. She loved her loft style apartment. It was everything she always wanted in a place to stay: nice view, indoor pool, gym, tennis courts, and a very spacious apartment unit. Her kitchen was huge, even though she was never in it, it was still nice. Everything was silver and top quality. The dinning room and living room were open and decorated by July. Her loft bed room was a nice size as well, but her favorite was the huge bath tub. It might as well have been a hot tub. She was always inviting her friends over to hang out in her bath tub. Many nights July and Savannah sat in their bathing suites drinking wine in the tub. Fun times.

She flung the curtains open, letting a blast of sunshine illuminate the room. There was a sudden quick knock on the door. July knew already who it was by the knock. She opened the door to find Savannah standing; a smile on her face and a binder and Starbucks coffee in her hands. She gave July the coffee cup then proceeded inside.

“You know, today is your day off too.” July chuckled as Savannah sorted though her papers.

“Yeah, but I’ve been on autopilot since Wednesday.” Savannah smiled handing July papers. “Mr. Lee needs this signed and these need to be edited by next Friday. Oh, and Tuesday board meeting has been moved to 8:00 am instead of 9:00.”

“Of course it has.” July sighed making note of the change.

“And, in two weeks on Thursday, I will need off, because I have a huge project for English class that I have to prepare.

“No problem” July smiled.

“Ok babe, I have to run; I'm meeting people at the library” She gave July a quick kiss on the check.

“Alrighty. Pretty soon we are going to the spa to relax ok?”

“Just let me know when” Savannah smiled. “Oh! I almost forgot.” She pulled out two magazines; one was the Rolling Stone and the other was Alternative Press. “The Rolling Stone is this month’s issue. Read it, note anything you want or think needs to be changed, you know the drill.”

July nodded her head, knowing the procedure. “What’s the A.P. for?” she nodded her head to the other magazine.

“Oh yes, you might want to take a look through this, especially page 79.” Savannah grinned.

“What’s on page 79?” July let the pages flip from her thumb.

“Oh, look at the time. I have to go. I’ll call you later, but I guarantee you’ll be calling me first. Love ya!” With that said all in one breath, Savannah left July standing all alone in the living room. She shook her head and laughed,

“Crazy ass.” She then tossed her paper work on the coffee table in the living room and walked back to the kitchen with her Starbucks and the A.P. magazine. She tossed the magazine on the table and grabbed her toast that was popped up waiting for her. She then threw some butter and grape jelly on the two pieces, then shuffled back to the table. July flipped through the magazine to page 79 and scanned the page for something to catch her eye. She found it. Dropping her toast and half way choking on the piece that was in her mouth, she quickly drew the magazine closer to her eyes.

“Ville!” She exclaimed. She quickly read the small article, then grabbed her phone and called Savannah.

“Crazy shit huh?” She answered with a smile in her voice.

July stammered at first, “How…Where…When did you find this?”
            “I was checking it out the other day and I found it.”

“Holy shit.” July said in awe.

“Hey babe, I’m at the library so I have to go, but I’ll come by later on tonight.”

“Ok, see what all you can find about them,” July told her then hung up.

Once they hung up, July grabbed her lap top and Googled Ville and his band. She found out his band H.I.M. actually had many CDs out, but they weren’t too popular in the U.S. About an hour later, July’s phone began to ring.

“What did you find out?” July answered automatically assuming it was Savannah.

“About what?” She heard a man’s voice ask. She realized it was Landon, her fiancé.

“Oh hey” She said startled.

“Were you expecting somebody else?” he asked. She laughed,

“I figured it was Savannah.”

“Is she doing an assignment for you” He chuckled.

“You could say that.” July smiled still looking at her computer screen.

“How’s work going?” He asked.

“Good. I think it just got better.”

“Do you have any new people you would like to get an interview out of?”

“Yes actually. Have you ever heard of that band H.I.M.?” she asked.

“Yeah, I heard a couple of their songs; pretty good. Well I just wanted to call and say I love you.”

“Love you too” she spoke back.

“I have to go, I’ll call you later” He said rushed.

“Ok bye” she hung up, and sat back in the chair still astonished. “He actually made it.” she said out loud. It had been five years since she left West Chester, and five years since she saw Ville or Bam. She only talked to Bam once, and he said that after she left Ville and his parents moved back to Finland and that he was heart broken. She thought it would be less painful that way. She focused everything on school and eventually graduated with a Masters degree in Journalism, and luckily landed an intern at Rolling Stone, and worked her way up the ladder, and was now the chief editor. Savannah moved out west as soon as she turned eighteen to go to school as well. July needed a secretary, and Savannah needed a job, so it all worked out. During school she met Landon and they began dating, then soon enough he popped the question. She didn’t know why she said yes, it just came out. She did love him though, just wasn’t ready for marriage. Once she finished her toast she threw on some comfortable clothes and grabbed her keys then left her apartment.

“So much for my day off” she laughed.

So whatcha think about that! lol comments please opinions thoughts are wanted. Much love! XOXO
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