(no subject)

Dec 28, 2008 22:43

Before they knew it, they were laying in each others arms, panting in front of the fire place in Ville’s living room still trembling. The days finally left them and good bye was a day away. No matter how long they sat and did nothing to make their time go by as slow as possible, good bye still snuck up on them, and they were left to salvage what ever time they could before she got on the plane the next day. He held on to her as tight as he could with out hurting her and they laid in silence, with nothing on but the fire place. She could feel the lump in her throat growing bigger as she knew this would be the last time they made love. He heard her sniffle and looked down at her.

“Hey, none of that.” He gently smiled and wiped a tear from her eye. This was too much and she began to sob. He softly sighed and wrapped his arms around her neck, knowing there was nothing he could do to make her feel better.

“We both knew this day would arrive.” He softly spoke.

“That doesn’t take away the fact that it still hurts.” She cried. “I love you. I’m really in love with you, more than you ever know. I’m not going to lie; I didn’t think I was going to fall for you, so I didn’t think it would be a big deal to date you, but I did. I fell for you, and I fell hard. Now I don’t want to go.”

“Hey.” He lifted her chin up. “You have to go. You cant stay here for me.”

“I can go to school here; I don’t have to go there.”

He shook his head, knowing she would say this. “No July. School is already paid for and this is what you really want. I know this.”

“You are what I really want.” She buried her head back into his neck and cried. He clenched his jaw fighting the lump in his throat as well; he had to be strong.

“This is your dream, and I know you are going to be successful. We’ll be together again one day. Remember, you promised to marry me.” He chuckled a bit. She looked up and slightly smiled.

“What if we never see.-” He cut her off,

“Don’t say that. We will be together again one day”

“I cant picture you being with anybody else.” She looked deep into his green eyes. This hit him hard, and he suddenly realized the same thing. He was her first and the thought of somebody else being inside of her drove him mad. His eyes began to get red and burn as tears filled them. No matter how hard he fought he couldn’t stop his tears from falling. He knew this was really good bye, and the chances of them getting back together were slim to none.

“July, I want you to know you are the only girl I ever truly loved.” Tears flowed down his cheeks. “No matter where we go you will always be in my heart forever and every song I write, you are in my mind. If I ever make it as a musician, I’ll have you to thank.”

They both cried in each others arms knowing this was it. They stayed awake as long as they could hugging each other and wiping each others tears but eventually sleep over took them and the morning arrived.

He woke up first and got her some medicine for when she woke up. He learned when she cried at night she always woke up with a sinus head ache. Sure enough he walked back to the living room and she was sitting up with her hand over her head. He handed her the pills and a glass of water then helped her up to get dressed. Kari and Anita arrived back home just in time to tell her bye. Anita cried a bit as she parted the hug she and July shared.

“Remember child, you are always welcomed into our home no matter what. You are like my daughter and we love you so much,” She smiled. July smiled back and gave her a kiss on the cheek then hugged Kari bye. Ville walked out to the car to pick up Bam and take her to her house where everybody would ride to the airport to see her off. It was a sad day for everybody as they packed her bags into the car, and drove to the airport. The only person that was talking was Lester. Once they arrived July had an hour to get through security and checked in. She checked in her luggage and sent it off to be loaded on the plane. Lester hugged her and gave her an envelope filled with cash.

“Little going away present.” She laughed.

“Thanks.” She then turned to Savannah and hugged her sister tight.

“I love you July” Savannah smiled.

“I love you too babe. Remember what we talked about? Eighteenth birthday, your getting a one way ticket.” Savannah nodded and laughed,

“Cant wait.”

Lester took Savannah’s hand to walk to the car leaving Bam and Ville a private last moment with July.

“I cant believe this is it.” Bam forced a smile and swallowed hard. July flung her arms around his neck.

“I’ll miss your dumb ass so much.”

He hugged her back, “If you need any thing give us a call.”

They parted and tears were in her eyes.

“Come on now.” He brushed a tear away with his thumb. “Love you girl.”

They shared one last hug, then she turned to Ville who had his jaw clenched fighting back tears.

“I don’t have to go.” She said one more time. He sighed.

“Get on that plane, July.”

“Ok” she nodded her head. “I love you Ville.”

“I love you too July.” She gave him one last hug then grabbed her bag and began walking toward her gate. He knew she was crying. He and Bam stood watching her until her plane boarded. He watched as she stood in line then gave her boarding pass and slowly walked into the sleeve of the plane. Bam put his arm around Ville’s shoulder when he saw a tear roll down his cheek. His heart shattered into a million pieces. His world was gone. He was proud and broken, happy and sad, glad and angry.

“I’m proud of her.” Bam spoke wiping a tear from his own eyes. Ville nodded his head as the last piece of his shattered heart fell to the ground.

“She didn’t look back.”

ok the end...lol jk jk *tear* oh young love. tell me what you think, opinions feelings etc. sorry its so short and i havent posted in a bit. Hope you had a great Christmas, Hanakkah, or what ever you celebrate. lol and if we dont talk before then HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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