Feb 25, 2007 00:44
it's about a year since i watched the first season of honey & clover. it was heartwarming, i was chanted by the beauty of it. i haven't even seen the second one though, i guess once again i'm afraid that it wont be able fulfill my expectations. today i watched the the live action movie made of it. at first i was a little disappointed. morita wasn't as magical and charming as in the anime and takemoto looked like this mean guy at the physics department >>;; but hagu, mayama and yamamoto were brilliant. they saved it all.
anyhow, while watching the anime a year ago i had the thought that i'd apply to art school - and i did. i applied to the most popular and highly appreciated one in finland. then i didn't get in there and stopped it altogether. i haven't taken any real pictures for about a year. i have taken some with a celly and stuff like that but to me that isn't photography really. anyways, rather stupid of me. i said it was because i don't have a camera, money for the equipment or a dark room for developing the pictures. excuses. if i really was to take pictures i really could make things work so that i'd be able to continue having it as a hobby.
...and its not like i was even any good, or that there was anything special in the pictures i made. i just liked making them. controlling the shades of grey. maybe i'll try it once again someday, but i'm afarid my skills have rusted or that they never really were there.
sunnuntai aamuna kello 10.00 tv2 (?) siellä on kai jotain juttua rubikista. ja maanantai iltana joku toinen juttu kanssa, en kyllä muista millä kanavalla enkä monelta.