Love Undefined

May 21, 2012 19:37

Title: Love Undefined
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Lily and Ville, Lily and Bam
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Lily as she is a fictional character I created. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm sure this never really happened.

Chapter 1,2
Chapter 3,4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Five nights later I found myself pulled tight against his frame, my face buried in his warm chest as his finger tips drew firmly down my back.

“What are we doing?” soft words tumbling over my lips as I took in another deep breath of him as his finger slipped from my spine to the cheek of my ass.

“Were resting up for the next round.”

“You know that’s not what I mean..” Lifting my chin so I could study those eyes that always seemed to drip with some sort of untamed carnal rage, “What happens when Bam comes home?” Ville raised an eyebrow and watched me for a moment before slipping down in Bam’s bed and resting his forehead against mine.

“That’s up to you sweetheart,” his hand cupping my cheek as his words filled my ears, “if you feel he needs to know then we’ll tell him.” My heart nearly leapt out of my chest as he spoke, but it was settled just as quickly as his lips found their way to mine in a soft, yet demanding kiss. Ville’s warm hands gave my ass a firm squeeze as his tongue found its way into my eager mouth. I drug my nails lightly down his pale chest, eliciting a throaty moan from him. The battle between our tongues grew fiercer as I felt the muscles in his chest tense as he pushed my back down against the soft mattress. Large hands trailed up my sides, stopping to grab my wrists as he positioned himself comfortably between my legs. “But,” raising my wrists above my head and holding them there, “if you don’t want him to know. . .” soft lips attached themselves to my collar bone as I felt his leaking tip press casually against my clit. His grip on my wrists tightened as my arms tensed from the sensation of his teeth biting down on my exposed skin; my hips jerked, eliciting a gasp as his swollen cock rubbed against me again. His nibbling and my almost convulsion like reaction continued on until I found myself physically aching to have him.

“Fuck me.” my words a breathy whisper that didn’t appear to catch his attention as he continued to shower my neck with his many oral talents. “Fuck me.” this time my words were shaky, but as his head slowly raised, glazed green eyes landing in mine, I knew I had gotten his attention. Not releasing my wrists, he laid above me as if contemplating me for a moment.

“Do you want him to know?”

“No.” A small grin covered his red lips and before my voice had stopped ringing in my ears I felt him sink into me in one fluid movement.

“Good.” his voice husky as he began pounding into me, my body inching closer to the headboard with each thrust and the throaty groans resonating from his smooth chest getting louder by the minute. My nails dug into the palms of my hands as I felt the muscles throughout my body begin to tighten and my legs begin to tremble. The sounds of our warm bodies slapping together grew louder and just as my muscles began to spasm I knew he was there as I felt the liquid warmth of him filling me. As our orgasms subsided we didn’t speak, instead we shared a knowing glance before he rolled off of me and I rolled over and fell asleep.

My eyes drifted open to the sensation of early morning sunlight warming my uncovered leg and strong arms wrapped around my waist. My heart leapt into my throat as I pushed back slightly against the solid frame behind me only to be pulled in tighter. Ville and I had fucked in just about every room of the house over the course of those few days, but never once had I woken up to something like this.

“Well this is new.” A pregnant pause echoed through the room as a rough hand stretched out flat against the soft skin of my stomach, fingers kneading gently.

“I’m sorry.” the soft, almost unfamiliar voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand-up and as I looked down at my stomach I realized those rough hands were not the ones that had touched me last. Turning over in those warm arms my heart stopped as I came face to face with those innocent blue eyes.

“Bam?” Brushing the hair back from my eyes he let his hand rest on my cheek, drawing soft lines under my eye. “You’re not supposed to be back. . .”

“I cut the trip short,” soft lips landed on my forehead, “I’m sorry about the whole thing Lily.” As I studied the pure concern in his crystal eyes my mind filled with images of Ville trailing quick steaming kisses down my torso and a warm tear cascaded over my lower lashes and down my cheek, only to be mopped up by his thumb.

“I’m so glad your back.” my voice strained and my heart cracked under the weight of the memories rolling through my mind. Thirty minutes later I found myself still watching his face, only he had finally drifted back to sleep and I was wide awake. When I was sure I wouldn’t wake him I slipped out of bed, threw on a pair of track pants and one of Bam’s Element shirts and headed in the direction of the kitchen for coffee. Making my way to the kitchen my mind was an overworked mess of questions: Did I say anything in my sleep? Did he suspect and that’s why he came home early? Did Ville tell him? Could he smell Ville in his bed? Leaning against the counter, waiting for the coffee maker to finish its job I realized what I had to do; I had to make sure Ville wasn’t going to say anything and I had to make him understand that it was never happening again.

“Do I smell coffee?” his thick voice shook me from my world of questions and worries in time to find a black t-shirt covered back and jean clad ass facing me as he retrieved coffee mugs from the cupboard.

“Did you know he was coming back so soon?” My words were hasty and coated in a frustration that brought a grin to his lips.

“Yes,” he pushed a black mug toward me on the counter, “he called after you fell asleep last night to let me know.” Taking the cup in hand, my mouth opened only to have my question answered without being asked, “So no, he didn’t find us.” My mouth closed and my eyes focused on the grin rising on his lips as he took another step towards me, “Or would you have preferred I let him find us?”

“What? No!” shaking my head in disbelief as I looked down at my coffee before setting the mug back on the counter. “I love him and I never want him to know what happened. . .”my words caught in my throat as I looked up to find him standing only inches from me.

“You can’t tell me it didn’t excite you,” his hand trailed down my arm as I raised a questioning eyebrow “waking up in his arms, knowing full well that you were mine in that same bed only hours before.” Cocking his head to the right he studied my features as I found myself at a loss for words. “Did you wonder if he could smell me?” his fingers slipping through my hair, “On his sheets? On you?”

“Ville, Bam’s up stairs, this isn’t. . .”

“Did you think it was me?” nimble fingers slipped down my neck, off my shoulders and over my breast, stopping to gently pinch pert nipples, “Wish it was me wrapped around you this morning?” My heart raced and my mouth went dry as he gave my nipple a sharp twist - a bolt of enticing pain shooting through my body.

“Ville please. . .” my hands resting on the counter behind me, bracing myself.

“Did you wish he’d fuck you? Right there? Just like I did?” His hand trailed off my breast and slowly down my abdomen, “Tell me standing here with me, while Bam’s asleep, doesn’t turn you on.” His deep voice echoed in my ears as his fingers played with the waist of my pants and it took all the strength I had, but I lifted by eyes to his.

“This doesn’t turn me on. . .” my words stopped short as his hand sank into my panties and he drug a long nimble finger along the length of my slit.

“You’re lying. I can feel it” I sank back against the counter, unable to protest, as he dipped two fingers into my warmth and began a slow probing rhythm. “Just admit it,” my eyes drifted closed to the sound of his voice, “tell me you still want me. . .”

“This can’t. . .happen.” my voice shrouded in a subdued moan as his fingertips tapped at that spot with their smooth movement. Ville’s free hand wrapped around my wrist, pulling it away from the counter.

“Say it Lily,” my hand coming to rest on his engorged member, “tell me you don’t want me right here, right now.” My fingers wrapped around his jean covered length, stroking him in time with the thrusts of his fingers.

“I. . I want you” the words a whisper as I felt my legs starting to go weak and his fingers lift my chin so his brilliant emerald eyes could look into mine.

“Good.” he whispered as he slowly removed his hand from my now soaked panties causing a needy look of confusion to fall over my face.

“Please. . .” I didn’t even recognize that whimper as my voice while I watched him bring his fingers to his mouth, cleaning himself of the last remnants of me, but not once looking away from me.

“Tell Bam I’ll be back later this evening.” his lips rose in a casual smile as he turned and walked out of the room - leaving me short of breath and desperate for more.

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