A Chance Encounter

May 20, 2012 21:40

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Chapter 1-21

After a turbulent flight and a less than great cab ride, I found myself stepping through the doors of the ultra modern hotel into the blinding glow of the lobby. The generic looking blonde woman behind the counter watched as I casually made my way to the desk.

“Can I help you?” she asked, her eyes sliding over me, taking note of the fact that I looked out of place.

“Yeah, I’m picking up a key left for me by Rambo.” She raised an eyebrow as a slight blush covered my cheeks. A few days ago Ville and I had discussed the fact that he might not be in when I arrived and we had decided that leaving me a key was the best option; however using his real name could be dangerous if any fans found out where he was staying. After a long, and I believe drunk, conversation he decided that his guitar would leave me a key.

“Rambo?” the woman repeated, looking as though she thought I was joking.

“Yes, Rambo.” I reassured her in a more stern voice than before. With a little huff she turned away from me and began looking through her computer until a little smile spread over her lips.

“Ah, yes, Rambo did leave you a key,” She shot me a knowing glance as she took one of the plastic cards from behind the desk and slid it towards me, “I assume you know the room number?”

“1026” I stately flatly trying to ignore the grin that was quickly spreading across my lips. I took the key card, giving the women a quick nod before heading for the elevator. A short ride in the sterile feeling stainless steel elevator and I was meandering casually down the hall in search of his room. My heart started beating fast as I walked the corridor which was dimly lit with angular sconces made of frosted glass and steel. My feet came to an abrupt halt as I spotted 1026 out of the corner of my eye. With a deep breath I slipped the card in and out of the lock and opened the door revealing a suite that was obviously being lived in. A silver colored floor lamp in the corner of the front room illuminated the space enough for me to see the beer cans, ashtrays, and take-out containers that decorated most of the flat surfaces.

“Ville?” I called as I walked down the little hallway towards the back of the suite. I was answered only by silence and the small bedside lamp I found glowing in the bedroom. I made my way into the room, dropping my bags on the floor by the door, and took a seat on the edge of the neatly made platform bed covered in crisp white sheets. My eyes floated around the room, taking quick note of the piles of clothes which graced the floor and the four various ashtrays that littered the not very large room.

“Rambo” I whispered to myself with a little laugh as I saw the black guitar case standing against the oversized armoire which was opened just enough to reveal the corner of the television it was supposed to conceal. Letting my eyes slowly find their way back to the source of the light next to me, I discovered a note laying on the night stand.

Had to make an appearance at a friend’s concert tonight, I’ll be back late.
Make yourself at home and get some sleep.
I’ll see you later sweetheart.

Placing the note back on the nightstand, I all of the sudden realized just how tired I really was. I quickly slipped out of the black pinstriped pant-suit I had worn to work on what was now the previous day and tossed my bra and panties onto what I assumed was a pile of dirty clothes , before sliding under the covers. I snuggled the covers tight up around my neck and buried my head farther into the soft pillow before feeling my mind drift into sleep.

Surrounded by darkness with only the sharp feeling of cool rain on my skin, I tried to move only to be greeted by the rough sensation of concrete against my back. With harsh pain coursing through my body, my mind stopped wishing for survival. . .’just make the pain stop’ I thought before all my thoughts ceased.

I flew back to consciousness without opening my eyes, but drawing a deep, sharp breath, filling my lungs with that warm scent of cigarettes and liquor I knew to be Ville.

“When did you get in?” I asked, not quite awake, as I slowly opened my eyes to find him next to me under the covers, watching me. A goofy grin spread across his face as his brilliant green eyes peered into mine.

“Just a few minutes ago,” sliding his arms around my waist, he rested his rough hands on the base of my back making soft circles on my skin, “were you having a nightmare?” he inquired in a soft voice, his eyes never leaving mine. I only nodded slowly as my eyes fell closed again. “Go to sleep baby, I won’t let anything happen to you.” His voice was barely a whisper as he pulled me up close to his warm body, placing a quick kiss on the top of my head before I drifted back to sleep.

Ville and I spent the next few days at the studio; I sat in an overstuffed leather chair in the back of the medium sized room and watched as Ville and Tim Palmer talk, on the verge of arguing, about the sound of the new album. On our third day in the studio, I sat in jeans and a t-shirt, curled up in what had become my appointed chair, staring at what I could see of the dark heartagram imprinted into the pale flesh of Ville’s neck. The longer I stared, the more pissed I was getting; Ville had warned me that we’d be spending a lot of time here, but he neglected to tell me that we’d be spending every waking second either at the studio or at one club or another to see some band he was friends with. Don’t get me wrong, I loved meeting his friends and witnessing the album become what he wanted it to be, but in the three days since I’d arrived, I had had maybe an hour of time with Ville. That of course wasn’t including time in bed, were all we’d done was sleep because by the time we got back from the clubs we were both too tired to even talk. The more I thought the more annoyed I grew with being ignored and after a few minutes of careful thought I decided that if I was annoyed, Ville was going to be annoyed as well.

“Hey Ville,” I interjected into their conversation in the most chipper voice I could muster.

“Yes sweetheart?” He responded as he turned to give me a less than pleased look.

“You wanna go out to dinner tonight?” My head cocked to the right as I waited curiously for his answer. Tim turned slightly, giving me a look like I was nuts for interrupting them.

“Sure, whatever you want Meg.” And with that Ville turned back to the sound board and his rather circular discussion with Tim.

“Where?” Ville stopped in mid word, releasing a slightly exasperated sigh.

“Wherever you want.” He hissed with his back to me. A pissy smile slipped over my lips as I realized that I had managed to annoy him. I momentarily considered pushing the issue farther, but decided I only wanted to annoy him, not piss him off. The very moment I had decided that, a long loud ring came from my cell phone. Digging furiously in my pocket, I finally silence the phone by flipping it open.


“Meg!” Ville turned to me, looking at me as though I had caused the phone to ring “We’re working here.” He spat at me. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him in disbelief.

“Is that prince charming?” Alice’s voice came through the line. Ville’s eyes were boring into mine as I stood from my no longer comfortable chair and walked out of the room slamming the door behind me.

“What the hell do you want?” my words were course and rushed as I marched down the hallway.

“I just wanted to apologize for the other night.” Alice’s voice came through as sincere, but it didn’t manage to calm the anger that was building inside of me. Wrapping my fingers around the bar on the door in front of me, I push it open only to discover a heavy spring rain falling over New York. “Meg, are you there?”

“Yeah, I’m here” I stepped from the building trying unsuccessfully to shelter myself under the tiny eave of the building while lighting my cigarette. “Just getting some fresh air”

“I see, well I just feel really bad about acting the way I did on the phone the other night. It’s completely your choice who you date. . .”

“You’re damn right it is,” I interrupted as I exhaled a large cloud of smoke., “listen Alice, can I call you back when I get back in town, I,” my mind was racing, maybe she was right, maybe he will hurt me “I just don’t want to talk about this right now.”

“Yeah, no problem, are you ok?”

“Fine, I just need to go, talk to you later.” Without waiting for her answer I flipped the phone closed and leaned my half soaking form back against the cool brick of the building. Resting the cigarette between my lips for the final drag I watched out of the corner of the eye as the door slowly opened and Ville timidly stepped out into the rain. Taking a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it, he took his place beside me leaning against the wall.

“I told you we’d have to spend a lot of time at the studio while you were here.” He said casually, causing me to shoot him a rather disgusted look.

“There’s a big difference between a lot of time and come visit but we won’t have any time with each other.” I half yelled at him as I threw my cigarette and started to walk away.

“Meg,” His words were desperate as his hand wrapped itself tight around my wrist. I turned to face him, letting my blue eyes melt into the soft green of his, “this is my life, this is my business. . .”

“Well you said you wanted me to be a part of your life,” I pulled my hand hard away from his grip, “So I make time in my life to come visit you, and what do you do?” His pink lips parted to speak, but I was quicker. “You’ve basically ignored me since I got here.” The look on his face told me that he was replaying the past few days in his mind, only to discover I was right.

“Meg, I. . .” he took a step forward and reached out for me.

“I’m gonna go, you go take care of your business and I’ll see you back at the hotel sometime tonight.” I saw him bite his bottom lip before I turned away and headed down the street. A few blocks away I caught a cab.

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