A Chance Encounter

May 07, 2012 20:23

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Prior Chapters:
Chapters 1 - 12

The week rolled by without incident and I even got the chance to talk to Ville a few more times. He kept me abreast of how things were going in the studio; from his stories I decided that he must be a pain in the ass to work with, but the tone of his voice always told me that he knew he was difficult. In those conversations he never once brought up Jonna; nothing more was said about her that week. Late Friday afternoon I got a call from the author I was supposed to be meeting with on Saturday-he was calling to cancel our meeting. I let out a heavy sigh as I rested the receiver back on its base and a sharp look at the clock revealed with was already 6:30. ‘Damn’ I thought ‘I could have gone to see Ville’. My head rested against the back of my office chair as I dialed his number, I thought I would see if he had any plans this weekend, but his phone was off. I thought about it for a minute and decided that I couldn’t just show up there and expect him to put me up for a few nights; that would be rude and I was never good at being rude, at least not like that. I grabbed some manuscripts off my desk and headed for home thinking that a weekend alone would be good for me; I could get ahead in my work for once. Half way home, sitting in Friday evening traffic, my phone rang.

“Hey Meg”
“Alice, what’s up?” Though I had been talking to her a lot lately it was fairly unusual for her to call me on a Friday night. Usually she was out with Brian.
“Nothin’ much, I was just thinking about taking a little road trip, you game?” Spontaneous road trips used to be our thing. In our early twenties we would just get in her car and drive south, always south, whenever we were bored or upset about something. A smile raised my lips as I remembered the time we got to California; we turned around right after crossing the state line, realizing that we only had enough money for gas.
“A road trip? When?” I asked cautiously, not wanting to sound too enthusiastic, but I was.
“Tonight, down to Cailfornia.” I cocked an eyebrow.
“You actually have a destination?”
“Ok, here it is. . .” she began hesitantly “Brian is thinking about finding a house in Los Angeles, but I don’t wanna move. So, I told him I’d go down there for a few days and scope out some houses.”
“You’re gonna move?” I almost screamed it into the phone
“Not if I can help it. I’m just gonna go down and screw around for a few days, then come back and tell him I didn’t find anything. . .he’ll buy that” Her words ended with that devious laugh I had come to know so well over the years “I just thought it would be fun if we went together. . .like old times” I mulled it over in my head for a minute “Besides, you could go see Ville while we’re in town.” Alice and I had known each other long enough to know exactly how to get the other to do what ever they wanted; and she had just pushed the right button.
“Alright, I’ll be home in about 20 minutes, so, I should be ready in about 40.”
“Ok, hey I’m staying down there until Wednesday, so you can call in sick to work or something, right?”
“Sure,” at this point I really didn’t care, the prospect of seeing Ville had me so thrilled that I would have done anything to leave town.
“Ok, I’ll see you soon, bye”
“Bye” Forty-five minutes later we were on I-5 heading south.
The drive was great, just like the old days. The conversation drifted from life, to work, to men, to music, to men, to life and on and on until we had nothing to say and found ourselves singing at the top of our lungs to burned cd’s that consisted of only music we had found appealing in high school. We traded driving responsibilities every couple of hours and took a few naps on the way. We finally arrived at our hotel around noon on Saturday, after our 16 hour drive, and crawled directly into our respective beds. About 7:30 that evening we both rolled out of bed and got ready for our night. The decision had been made earlier that we would go out to dinner and later swing by and visit Ville. Some clean jeans, a black corset style top, a pair of black kitten heels, and forty-five minutes later we were out the door. As we walked through the lobby, I glanced at the bar; this was the same hotel we had stayed in just a few weeks ago, and that was the bar where we’d met. That oversized, stupid smile of mine came across mine face, it was uncontrollable.
“Hey,” Alice looked at me with a grin “just settle down there Meg, you’ll see him soon enough.” She took my hand with a laugh and dragged me out into the night air. We found a nice, not too terribly busy, little restaurant about five blocks down. When the waiter came for our drink orders, I felt the warmth of my cheeks reddening as Alice ordered a Gin and Tonic.
“Just a glass of water for me.” I mumbled. The waiter walked away as Alice looked at me curiously.
“What’s the blushing about?” I took my time and told her about my little ordeal when Ville took me out drinking during my last visit.
“Damn, Meg, that’s funny”
“Well it wasn’t at the time” I tried to sound insulted, but my laughter wasn’t very convincing.
“At least you didn’t really do anything you could regret.” My head nodded as I started chewing lightly on my bottom lip. Alice cocked her head to the right, raising an eyebrow “or do you wish something had happened?” My eyes met hers, this was high school all over again; only back then she would have simply said “do you wanna fuck him”, age had refined her language.
“I wish I hadn’t been drunk” I replied with a grin “I haven’t felt this way in a long time Alice” I stated flatly as I looked at her. Her eyes danced as a smile slid across her face.
“I know Meg” She patted the back of my hand before we both broke into laughter. Our drinks came and went, as did our meals. After dinner we meandered back to the hotel to pick up Alice’s car. I considered calling Ville to let him know I was in town, but then decided it would be funnier to surprise him. I had the address on a slip of paper in my hand and was attempting to direct Alice, but let’s just say I’m a landmark driver with a really bad memory. An hour after we left the hotel, we finally found that large white house I remembered from last weekend. As Alice parked against the curb I noticed that every light appeared to be on.
“Well, it looks like someone’s home.” Alice said as we headed down the walkway to the front porch. I glanced up to the large window on the second floor-his bedroom lights were on. I quickened my pace slightly, eager to get inside, eager to see him. I took a moment to straighten my top and run my fingers through my hair before ringing the door bell. With a quick look at Alice I took a deep breath and pushed the little glowing button. A few seconds passed before Burton opened the door, beer in hand and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
“Meg?” the shock in his voice was comical, not to mention his cigarette fell from his lips, landing on his arm, which he didn’t seem to notice. Shaking my head I picked up the cigarette and place it back in his mouth.
“It’s nice to see you too dear.” I said raising an eyebrow “Can I come in?” He shook his head, as if trying to pull himself back to reality.
“Yeah, sorry, please come in” he moved out of the door way, leaving enough room for Alice and I to slip inside.
“Oh, Burton” I turned to him as he closed the door “This is my friend Alice, Alice this is Burton” He gave her a casual nod.
“Pleasure to meet you.” He asserted
“So where is everyone?” I inquired a little impatiently
“Um, the living room” he said as he headed in ahead of us “Hey guys, um, Meg’s here.” As we walked in behind Burton I watched all their faces turn to look at me; they were smiling, but confused.
“Hey. . .Meg, um , good to see you again.. . .” Gas stumbled over his words “is Ville expecting you?” I scanned the room with my eyes; they were all there, except Ville.
“No, I thought I’d surprise him” Linde shot a sharp glance at Mige, suddenly I felt a sharp jab in my ribs. I turned to see Alice looking at me. “Oh, yeah, Linde, Mige, Gas, this is my friend Alice.” She grinned, pleased that she was no longer the nameless person standing next to me, as each man took their turn saying hello. “So, where’s Ville?”
“He’s not feeling well.” Mige hastily informed me from across the room. A quick look at everyone’s expression told me that this was news to all of them.
“Well, I’ll just go check on him, make sure he’s alright” I said with a coy smile as I walked out of the room and headed for the second floor. For a brief second I felt bad for leaving Alice alone with a bunch of stranger, but I knew her well enough to know that she could handle herself. Walking casually up the stairs I started to wonder why everyone looked so shocked to hear that Ville was sick, didn’t they pay attention to things like that? At the top of the stairs I looked down the hall, his door was closed, with the light from inside creating a faint glow at the bottom of the door. Half way to his room I heard someone behind me; I looked back to find Linde standing at the top of the stairs with a grim expression.
“Just let him sleep Meg” Linde’s voice was quiet as he walked towards me slowly, until he was within arm length of me.
“I doubt he’s sleeping,” I motioned to the door “all the lights are on.” I felt my stomach harden as I stood there watching Linde’s unchanging face. “What’s going on?” I watched as Linde’s eyes shifted to the floor before quickly back up to mine, holding my now worried gaze.
“Just leave him alone tonight.” He sounded as though he was pleading. I turned from him and quietly headed to the bedroom door. Placing my hand on the cold doorknob, I looked back over my shoulder; Linde was still there, waiting. I turned the knob slowly and let the door quietly fall open, only enough so that I could see inside.
The overwhelming smell of warm beer and cigarettes hit me in the face as I peered into the room, it was a mess: clothes, towels, shoes strung out across the floor; the blinds were closed; beer cans littered the floor, the dresser and even the bedside tables. My heartbeat sped out of control when I looked towards the bed. Eyes closed, hair pulled back in a ponytail, she was grinding her hips into his while he held her skirt up to her waist. Her back was arched, her hands griping his bare thighs for support. His jeans were gathered around his ankles, one black converse still adorning his right foot. My chest was heaving, I was biting my tongue, but still I leaned in a little more, wanting to see his face. His eyes were closed with a lit cigarette dangling from his lips. He looked like a smoking angel. A smoking angel fucking Jonna. My feet were stuck, refusing to move and while desperately trying to get them to work I took a deep ragged breath, drawing her from her stupor-she looked into my eyes, said something in Finish, but never stopped moving her hips. Ville mumbled something back to her, obviously not concerned about whatever she’s just said. I felt my jaw drop, my eyes still locked in hers, as I backed out of the door, closing it just as I had found it only moments before. He never opened his eyes, he never saw me. I placed the palms of my hands against the door, as if I was feeling for a heartbeat. My mind was screaming. I mindlessly turned around, hoping I could escape this house without question, only to find Linde still standing behind me, still waiting.
“He’s really drunk Meg.” He hadn’t been close enough to see inside the room, but he knew well enough what I’d seen. Warm tears were building in my eyes as the shameless rage was growing in my soul.
“She looked at me.” I uttered in pure confusion, still trying to focus on Linde. He walked towards me, as my breathing became shallower and more labored. “That fucking bitch saw me and didn’t even stop” my voice was louder as the tears came faster and my breathing got harder. I turned to go into the room, I had every intention of verbally berating and physically harming her, but Linde grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the door.
“This won’t get solved that way” his words were calculated, yet still kind as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He walked me to the stairs, where I saw Mige’s feet, I didn’t look up at his face; I didn’t want him to see my cold lifeless expression soaked in fresh tears. I could almost hear the two men exchanging glances before Linde and I started down the stairs. He led me into the kitchen where he drew me a glass of water.
“I’ll be right back” he whispered as he sat the glass on the counter I was leaning against. The whole house was quiet, not one damn sound-they all knew what happened, I was sure of it. As my eyes wandered aimlessly over the kitchen I noticed the back door. I hadn’t seen the backyard last time I was here, I thought, so I went out. Walking out onto the large deck, the night air slapped me out of my nightmare-like state. I gently pulled the door closed behind me as the scene I had just witnessed played over and over in the theater of my mind. I leaned my back against the house, right next to the door, and rested my head in my hands. My heart felt like it might leap out through my mouth at any minute and as much as I tried to stop them, the tear just kept coming, quicker and heavier than before. I slid down the wall; sitting on the cool deck I pulling my legs up to my chest, wrapped my arms around my knees and buried my head in my personal cocoon of heartache.

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