(no subject)

May 06, 2012 17:59

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.
A very long time ago I started posting this story and never finished posting what I had written and I still haven't finished the story. That being said I have a ton of story on my computer that still needs to be posted and I have started working on this story again. So, I thought I would start posting again in the hopes of finishing this story soon.
So below are all the links to the previous chapters I had posted and this post will pick up the action where we left off. I hope someone out there is interested in reading it because I love feedback.

Previous Chapter:
Chapter 11 http://himfanfics.livejournal.com/121157.html#cutid1
Chapter 10 http://himfanfics.livejournal.com/119142.html#cutid1
Chapter 9 http://himfanfics.livejournal.com/118668.html#cutid1
Chapter 8 http://himfanfics.livejournal.com/118225.html#cutid1
Chapters 1-7 http://himfanfics.livejournal.com/117892.html#cutid1

Monday drifted by clouded in a fog of confusion. I tried my best to put the image out of my head, but every time I closed my eyes they were there: his long dark arm snaked softly around her slender waist with her head turned so she was smiling at him. They say a picture’s worth a thousand words and now I knew what the problem was with that saying; there was no way to determine what words the people in the picture originally intended. Smiles played over both their faces, but what kind of smiles were they meant to be? Was this a smile of friendship? Perhaps they were just posing for the camera? Or could those be the smiles of love? I tried my best, but I could not remember if I had ever seen that smile on Ville’s face when he looked at me.

The drive home from work that evening was uneventful and upon returning to my quiet house I plopped my tired body down on the overstuffed couch in the living room. I dug my cell phone out of my pocket and threw it on the dark wooden coffee table before kicking off my black high heels and resting my feet next to the little silver flip phone. My eyes were fixed on the phone; I hadn’t tried calling Ville since last night, I was too confused and afraid. What would I say to him? How does one start the ‘hey the tabloids say your sleeping with someone else’ conversation? What would he say? All these questions floated uneasily through my mind and with every heartbeat I found myself wandering back to the fear that it might be true. The deeper I sank into thought the more obvious it became that I was in no condition to talk to him, at least not yet. My quiet ponderings were shattered by the shrill ringing of the silver phone I was still looking at; a quick glance at the display before answering and I felt my stomach turn to a solid knot.

“Hello.” I did my best at sounding happy, chipper even; but even I could hear my voice trembling with anxiety.

“Hello sweetheart, are you alright?” Ville’s voice was soft as usual and was almost drowned out by the loud background noise. I drew a deep breath as I decided on the spot that I would wait until I saw him next to ask him about the article; after all, it was just a tabloid, nothing reputable.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” My voice came through stronger this time, more confident “Where are you?”

“Oh, we’re out at a bar, I was just thinking about you. . .wanted to hear your voice” My cheeks turned crimson as I heard his soft smile in his words. For some reason, the idea that he thought about me always made me feel giddy, like a damn school girl. My mouth opened to tell him how sweet he was when I heard a woman, very close to the phone, talking. . .in Finish. . .the only word I could make out was “Ville”

“Is Jonna there?” My words came out rather sharp and accusing, a great surprise considering the fact that I didn’t even notice I was talking until I had said it. My face contorted into a cringe as I covered my eyes with my hand in an attempt to hide my embarrassment and fear from the phone.

“W. . .what was that love?” he asked with a laugh that showed his obvious shock at the question.

“I, um, nothing. . .”

“Meg, you’re cutting out. . .Me. . .I. . .ter. . .” and with that, our conversation ended.

“Damn it!” I screamed as I threw the phone towards the table, which it missed and instead landed on the floor. My voice echoed slightly through the still house as I fell back onto the couch, covering my eyes with both of my arms. So there I sat, just me and my more confused than ever thoughts. After about twenty minutes of mindlessly staring out into the dimly lit room my body was again jolted by the sound of the phone. My body jerked itself off the couch, groping the floor for the source of the obnoxious ringing.

“Hello?” I was out of breath from my frantic search for the phone and still in a bit of a daze.

“Sorry about that sweetheart,” his voice rang through the phone “my phone died.”

“Don’t worry about it” I replied casually as I folded my legs Indian style on the floor. His voice didn’t have any hint of the shock I thought I had heard earlier; perhaps he didn’t hear my question. My fingers ran through my hair as I took a deep breath.

“Meg,” his voice was taking on a more serious tone “why did you ask if Jonna was with me?” apparently he had heard my question. I let a deep sigh pass by my lips as I tried to think of a way around this awkward conversation.

“Where are you?” a pathetic attempt to change the topic.

“In bed. . .don’t change the subject sweetheart” there was no anger in his words, rather they were as soft as they had been the night he found me crying in my sleep.

“Alright,” I shook my head, already knowing how bad this was going to sound “I’ve got this German tabloid with a very recent picture of the two of you and it claims that you’re seeing each other.” My words came quickly and ended abruptly, followed by a long silence. It was the silence of drowning, when you’re stuck under water and the soft blue silence feels like it’s filling your body. The unmistakable flick of a lighter resonated through the phone before I heard him letting out a deep breath.

“She was at the bar tonight,” his voice was so cold and flat causing my heart to pause in terror “but I’m not with her Meg - and you should know that.” The blood resumed pumping through my heart as his last comment sent a wave of guilt through me.

“But I. . .”

“We ended it about three months ago,” he anticipated my questions perfectly “She’s been in town since last week on some modeling thing. . .and she’s gone out with me and the guys a few times.”

“But the pic. . .”

“There were some photographers outside the Rainbow the other night, that’s probably where your picture came from.” The longer he spoke the more irritated he sounded about having to answer my unasked questions. My eyes fell closed as I listened to him take another deep drag on his cigarette.

“I’m sorry. . .” my whispered apology faded as I brought my head to rest in my hand.

“It’s alright love,” the irritation had drifted from his voice as he spoke. The tone of his voice told me that if he were here he would have gathered me into those long pale arms, in one of those embraces that threatens to never let go. “You just have to learn that almost everything written about me is pure crap.” A sigh rolled off my tongue instead of words, I didn’t know what to say, he was right. How could I have let myself get so upset over apiece of paper? “Hold on,” a deep laugh caressed his words “where the hell did you get a German tabloid?”

“Alice brought it back from Germany with her.” Oh great, I thought, now it sounds like my friends are suspicious of him.

“Ah,” I could hear the covers shifting in the background, he was lying down finally “and how was her honeymoon?” I reached behind me and grabbed the purple chenille throw off the back of the couch.

“Oh it was fine,” I wrapped the blanket around me as I lay down on the floor. “we got together last night so she could show me the pictures.”

“Mmmm” I curled up under the blanket and closed my eyes, letting myself pretend that he was next to me.

“How was your day?” I inquired softly.

“It was alright, we had some artistic differences in the studio”

“Artistic differences, eh?” my words were accompanied by a quiet laugh “who did you fight with?”

“Mige,” he sighed heavily “I was being an ass, but it’s alright now.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” With my eyes closed I could see him there, next to me. It was almost perfect, if only I could have felt his touch.

“I miss you.” The longing in his voice slid through the phone and down my spine as a lukewarm shiver “When can I see you again, sweetheart?”

“I have a meeting with a new author on Saturday, so I can’t come down this weekend, but probably the weekend after” I tried to keep my tone even and steady as I spoke, even though the thought of not seeing Ville, not touching Ville, for almost two weeks was heartbreaking

“You sound tired”

“I am” my words were barely more than a whisper.

“Why don’t you go to sleep, love?”

“Because. . .” the word trailed off into a slight giggle

“Because why?” he spoke through a small yawn.

“Because I wanna hear your voice” My head was resting on my left arm as my right hand barely kept the phone against my ear. I heard the faint click of the lamp on his bedside table turning off; maybe he was doing the same thing I was, maybe he was pretending I was there.

“Are you in bed?’

“Sort of”

“Sort of?

“I’m sleeping on the living room floor.”

“Why?” His voice rang in a confused laugh as I continued to talk, now half a sleep.

“Because if I open my eyes I’ll have to face the fact that you’re not really here.” He drew in a slow deep breath as if giving my words time to sink in.

“Alright then, today we were in the studio. . .” he started to tell me about his day; I tried to listen, but his voice lulled me to sleep before I knew what was happening. I woke up the next morning to find my cell phone next to me on the floor: the battery was dead. I stretched my body under the warmth of the soft blanket as I thought about the previous night. A smile came over my face; I didn’t know how long he had talk to me, but I know I dreamt about him.

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