First Semi-Annual Fanfiction Awards!!

Jul 13, 2010 10:14


The first Semi-Annual Heartagram Fiction Awards are here! I am proud to announce the commencement of a new twice yearly competition for all those HIM fanfiction lovers and writers out there, not just limited to those in our own community. Beginning on the 18th of July we will be accepting nominations for all those stories you can't get enough of that revolve around the members of the band HIM. For more rules and how to participate follow the journal cut below.

Rules of Eligibility:

  1. All nominees must be published within the last year. We will look for the most recent publication date on the site it was published on. Future award competitions will be limited to a 6 month period based on the voting dates of the last competition.
  2. Nominations are peer submitted, you cannot submit your own work. We will not accept nominations of this kind.
  3. Nominations can be from any website as long as the submission itself is primarily HIM related. This means we will accept nominees from places such as other fanfiction communities, mibba,, ect.
  4. A work must be within the parameters of its category description.
  5. A nominator is allowed to nominate 1 work per category. This means that if you want to nominate a single work in up to 3 different categories you can. 
  6. The work itself can only be a nominee in 5 different categories. We will have a  first come, first serve rule. After it has already been nominated in to 5 categories all future nomination for the work will be rejected.
  7. We will screen comments so that all nominators are kept confidential and all nominees are present at the same time.
  8. We have the right to reject nominations based on the above rules. We will not disclose rejected nominations to anyone other than the nominator. 
  • Best Completed: A story with multiple chapters which is no longer being update is considered "complete". This does not include one-shots.
  • Best In Progress: A story with multiple chapters which is still on going. This includes stories that have been on hiatus up to 6 months  prior to this contest.
  • Best One-shot: A story that has only one chapter and is completed. There is no set length, and incorporates song fics.
  • Best Drama: "Any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results;" A story that drew in the reader to the emotional turbulence and situations of the characters' lives. 
  • Best Comedy: "A dramatic work that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict;" A story that made the reader laugh or inspired a cheerful mood.
  • Best Dark / Horror: "An overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear;" A story that causes distress for the characters, inspires fear in the reader to the situations taking place, aims to disturb or disgust the reader, and/or includes depressing themes. Depictions or rape, graphic violence, abuse, and murder fall into this category.
  • Best Romance: "Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love;" A story that developed attachment and romance between two characters in a believe fashion. 'Believable' being subjective to the nominator and voters.
  • Best Original Character: A story where the author has managed to make an in-depth and clear development into a main original character which draws in the readers attention.
  • Best Band Member Portrayal: A story where the author has managed to make an in-depth and clear development into their version of a band member which draws in the readers attention.
  • Best Crossover: A story that incorporate two or more different sources. This would be fanfics that have a focus on both the band HIM and another source(s) such as another band, a show, a movie, ect.
  • Best Het: A story whose main romantic pairing is heterosexual i.e. male/female.
  • Best Slash: A story whose main romantic pairing is homosexual i.e. male/male (since all the members of the band are male).

To nominate please use this format below in a comment. You can put all of your nominations in the same comment. 
  • Category: Story - Author; Link
  • For Best Original Character and Best Band Member Portrayal please include: Character Name
Please help advertise for the contest on other sites and with your story updates!" _fcksavedurl="" />

!semi-annual heartagram awards, awards summer 2010

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