Tears of Fate chapter 32

Aug 17, 2008 18:52

Solena Stone disappeared on her 19th birthday, she was presumed to have incinerated in the hot flames from a car crash. Ville was distraught because Solena happened to be his girlfriend at the time. What happens when Solena really isn't dead and she turns up in London at the exact same time that Ville is in London. What goes on when they find each other once again, do they start back where they left off at, or do they forget they were even together.

Rating: R


Solena looked at Ville with wide eyes and stood up. She ran over and slowly put her arms around him, trying not to hurt him. "I'm happy you're awake, I thought you were dead." She said sadly as she let go. "I'm alive, we still need to find a donor for me, but other than that, I'm just really weak, my liver hasn't completely failed yet, so we're good for now." He said smiling. "Don't joke about this Ville, It's not funny." Solena said seriously as Ville kissed her. "I'm not darling, I'm just trying to be optimistic in a time where most would be a pessimist. I don't want to ruin my good mood." Ville said laughing. Ville groaned as he felt the pain in his upper right abdomen increase slightly. Solena was at his side withing seconds. "Are you okay?" She asked as she frowned. "I'm fine darling, don't worry, things will get better, I know they will." Ville said as Dr. Elisa Vaara walked into the room, a girl with black hair and one red and blue streak in it following her.

"Ville, this is Tila Viren." The doctor told him. "Okay?" Ville said confused. Tila looked at him and smiled. "I'm going to be your liver donor." She said as she ran a pale hand through her long straight hair. The doctor looked at him. "Surgery will start soon, so be prepared, don't worry, we'll put you to sleep first." Elisa said smiling as she left the room, Tila following behind her to where she would be prepped to giver away her liver to Ville.


Ville woke up, looking up at Solena's face. She was smiling brightly watching him wake up. "It's about time you woke up sleepy head, I'm glad you're awake." She said. "How long was I asleep?" Ville asked. "Long enough for them to give you the new liver." Solena laughed. "So...Tila...she's dead." Ville said sadly. "Well not yet, but she's on her death bed, that's the sad part. She's only going to be alive for awhile longer." Solena said. Ville looked into her bright blue eyes. "Can I see her, I mean, am I allowed?" Ville asked softly. "I don't know...you'll have to ask the doctor." Solena said. "But I hope you can, I'd like to see her too."

Ville looked at her once again and sat up slowly. For once, there wasn't any pain, he didn't feel a thing. "I hope so too, I want to thank her." Ville said as the doctor walked in with her clipboard in hand. "How are you feeling Ville?" Dr. Vaara asked. "I'm feeling great, one question, can I see Tila?" Ville asked her. "I suppose so, of course we'll take you to her room in a wheelchair, but yes you can see her." She replied as she walked away and brought in a wheelchair from the hallway. "Solena could you help me get him into the wheelchair?" She asked. "Of course Dr. Vaara." Solena said helping the doctor life Ville from the bed and set him in the wheelchair.

The doctor showed them both to Tila's room and let them in. Tila looked weak in the hospital bed, she looked almost helpless. The fact that she was going to die was unbearable to Ville. Once Tila saw Ville and Solena, a smile crossed her face. "Hi Ville, how do you feel?" Tila asked him. "I feel fine, thank you. I feel really bad about you giving me your liver. Yeah, it helps me, but it's killing you, literally." Ville said. "I know, I'm going to die, but for some reason, I'm happy." Tila said looking at him. "Why are you happy about dying?" Ville asked. "I'm not completely dying Ville, a part of me will live through you, when you're singing on stage, maybe you'll remember the girl who saved your life...and that will make me happy, because I helped you live." At this point Ville was almost in tears. He hated seeing her in the hospital bed as weak as he was a couple of hours before.

"I will remember you Tila, I won't forget what you did for me. And when I'm singing, I will remember that the only reason I'm on stage, is because you allowed me to be there, without you now, it wouldn't be possible for me...thank you Tila." Tila looked at him for a second. "Do you think I can get a hug before you leave, Ville." She asked. "Of course, just let me get over there." Ville said as Solena wheeled him over to the side of Tila's bed. "Thanks Tila for doing what you've done." Ville said hugging her and then kissing her on the cheek. "One more thing before you go Ville." Ville looked at her frail body. "What is it Tila?" He asked softly. "Will you sing at my funeral?" She asked half smiling hoping he'd say yes. "If that is what you want, then yes, I will do that. It's the least I can do, you've allowed me to live Tila, that's the biggest thing anyone could have ever done for me, now it's my turn." He said softly as Solena pushed him out of the room. Just as they were leaving, Ville heard Tila. "Thank you Ville, thank you so much."
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